


法国于一九七九年出版了《中亚历史和文明》(L'Asie Centrale, Histoireet Civilisation)一书,其侧重点是讲中国的"西域".该书由法兰西学院教授韩百诗(Louis Hambis)...
耿升摘译  -  《中国史研究动态》  -  被引量:  0  -  1981年

Tectonic of Asia 50 years after the death of Emile Argand

L'excellent travail d'Emile Argand sur la tectonique de l'Asie (1924) contient plusieurs concepts qui n'ont rien perdu de leur valeur. Son interpretatio...
B BurchfielL Royden  -  《Eclogae Geologic...  -  被引量:  0  -  1991年

Les transformations de l'Asie : W. G. East, O. H. K. Spate and Charles A. Fisher, editors, The Changing Map of Asia. A political geo...

The extensive air shower (EAS) development model independent method of the determination of a maximum depth of shower (X sub m) is considered. X sub m values obtained on various EAS parameters are in a good agreement.
D Jacques  -  《Annales De Géogr...  -  被引量:  0  -  1975年

L'Asie / Explore Asia

Describes the continent of Asia and the people, plants, and animals that live there
B SjongerR BriereMarieJosee (TRN) 被引量:  0

La démographie de l'Asie de l'Est et du Sud-Est des années 1950 aux années 2000. (French).

With 2.1 billion inhabitants, the region of East and Southeast Asia is home to one-third of the global population, notably thanks to China, the world's ...
ATTANÉIsabelleBARBIERI , ... -  《Population》  -  被引量:  5  -  2009年

[图书]  L'hévéaculture transfrontalière en Asie du Sud-Est continentale

field: Abstract Cross-border rubber production in mainland South-East Asia Since the increase in the natural rubber prices, the rubber sector has shown ...
F Fortunel  -  Belin  -  被引量:  1  -  2013年

Cartographier l'Asie Mineure: L'orientalisme allemand à l'épreuve du terrain (1835–1895)

The idea of the South, conceptualized as a global geo-economic entity, is very recent. It imposed itself very gradually upon British and European geographical imaginations. The world was not divided along a North/South division in the...
D Foliard  -  《Imago Mundi》  -  被引量:  0  -  2018年

Leons de l'Asie : Grands principes et impératifs mondiauxs (Lessons from Asia: Big principles, global imperatives)

The past five years have seen Asian economies growing exponentially, and Asian students capturing top scores in international assessments such as PISA...
AL Goodwin  -  被引量:  0  -  2015年

L'image de l'Asie Mineure et des Turcs dans les textes narratifs du Moyen ge franais (XIIe-milieu du XVe siècle)

This study explores the medieval French perceptions of Turkish Asia Minor and the Turks in the time period between 1096 and 1453. Unlike medieval repres...
M Lushchenko  -  被引量:  0  -  1961年
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L'Asie dans la vie et l'œuvre du roumain Nicolas 'Milescu' Le Spathaire (1636-1708) et son contexte européen (IIème partie)

This study continues the project of our investigations that try to include the whole area of the relations between Romanian culture and the Asian space,...
E Ciurtin 被引量:  0

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