

The Relationship between Christ and the Spirit in a Christian Theology of Religions

This article explores the recent turn in the theology of religions, visible in diverse quarters, to pneumatology as a way to foster a greater openness to the work of God the Holy Spirit in non-Christian religions. It gives particular ...
VD TorenB.  -  《Missiology An In...  -  被引量:  0  -  2012年

Western painting styles introduced by Jesuit missionaries to China and Japan: a suggestion for the studies on the history of Missiol...

??This is to give a historical description on roles and activities of Jesuit missionaries who introduced western painting style into Japan and China. Studies on this field traditionally have been made by art historians and scholars in...
KimSang-KeunKim , ... -  《Theological Forum》  -  被引量:  0  -  2009年

Witch Hunters: Professional Prickers, Unwitchers & Witch Finders of the Renaissance (review)

In one of the most influential treatises of its time, Investigations into Magic, Jesuit polymath Martín Del Rio shaped a mass of ideas and accounts ...
MalcolmGaskill  -  《Magic Ritual & W...  -  被引量:  0  -  2006年

In the Interest of Religion:Views on the First Voyage of the Amphitrite to China Seen from the Perspective of Missionary History

The maiden voyage of Amphitrite,a French merchant ship,to China in 1698 marked the first Sino-French trade.Joachim Bouvet,a French Jesuit,played a key r...
Y WuR Zhang  -  《Maritime History...  -  被引量:  0  -  2012年
来源: 知网

Some observations on theObservations the decline of the French Jesuit scientific mission in China

In the late seventeenth century, French Jesuit missionaries in China transplanted a distinctively French and distinctively academic brand of scientific ...
FC Hsia  -  《Revue De Synthèse》  -  被引量:  0  -  1999年

The Jesuit missions in Japan and in China: two distinct realities. Cultural Adaptation and the Assimilation of Natives

The missionary strategies employed by the Society of Jesus in their two largest missions in the Far East, namely in Japan and in China, from very early ...
I Pina  -  《Bulletin of Port...  -  被引量:  6  -  2001年
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