

韓國敎育論 性格 課題.

韓國敎育論 性格 課題.朴在文Korean Studies Quarterly
朴在文  -  《Korean Studies Q...  -  被引量:  0  -  1981年

常虛 錫昶 人間 敎育論

This is theory of education on the man of SANG HUH. Educational man of SANG HUH classified as a healthy man, man of science, a diligent farmer on the Si...
林采植  -  被引量:  0  -  1992年

中ㆍ高等學校에서의 文學敎育論序說

中ㆍ高等學校에서의 文學敎育論序說金長好
金長好 被引量:  0

早期英語敎育의 理的 背景과 指導의 實際

早期英語敎育의 理的 背景과 指導의 實際신성철충남대학교
신성철충남대학교  -  被引量:  0  -  1983年

Effects of enzymatic degradation on the subunit composition and biologic properties of human factor VIII

Z. : Effect of enzymatic degradation on the subunit composition and biological properties of human factor VIII — Blood 51 , 281, 1978.Atichartakarn V. , Marder V J , Kirby E P & Budzynski A Z ( 1978 ) Effects of enzymatic ...
V AtichartakarnVJ MarderEP Kirby , ... -  《Blood》  -  被引量:  96  -  1978年


冰川冻土, 1999, 21: 281-285蓝永超. 龙羊峡水库入库径流变化特征及趋势预测[J ]. 冰川冻土 ,1999 ,21 (3) :2812286.蓝永超,康尔泗,马全杰. 龙羊峡水库...
蓝永超马全杰  -  《冰川冻土》  -  被引量:  24  -  1999年

Type IIb supernova 1993J in M81: The explosion of a approximately 4 solar mass star in a close binary system

It is shown that the properties of SN1987A in LMC can be described well by hydrodynamical models of explosions of compact massive stars. In accordance w...
V Utrobin  -  《Astronomy & Astr...  -  被引量:  24  -  1993年

Physical activity epidemiology

Lancet 380:272–281 Hill AB (1965) The environment and disease: association or causation? Proc R Soc Med 58:295–300 Hoefler M (2005) The ...
D SchmidMF Leitzmann  -  被引量:  9  -  2014年

IJCM_281A: Climatic Factors And Vector Indices In The Occurrence Of Dengue Fever Cases In Northern Kerala

The number of dengue cases reported to WHO increased over 8-fold over the last two decades, from 505,430 cases in 2000, to over 2.4 million in 2010, and...
C S SreenathPriya ChandranV Bindu , ... -  Indian Journal of...  -  被引量:  0  -  2024年

Contemporary outcomes of surgical decompression for functional popliteal entrapment syndrome

Functional popliteal entrapment syndrome (FPES) is an under-recognized source of leg pain caused by dynamic compression of the popliteal vessels by surr...
... Magda AbdouBernadette GoudreauBryan V. Dieffenbach , ... -  Journal of Vascul...  -  被引量:  0  -  2024年

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