

The Terminal: Eric Walrond, the City of Colón, and the Caribbean of the Panama Canal

The site of termination in the diencephalon and brain stem of fibers arising in the auditory cortex of the cat has been studied with the method of Nauta and Gygax. Such corticofugal fibers end in the corpus striatum, the reticular nuc...
RD LundKE Webster  -  《Brain Research》  -  被引量:  404  -  1969年
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The Decapod Crustaceans of the Panama Canal

This is a title only record which contains no abstract. Please see the bibliographic details to the right.
LG AbeleW Kim  -  《Smithsonian Libr...  -  被引量:  158  -  1989年
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An Ecosystem Report on the Panama Canal: Monitoring the Status of the Forest Communities and the Watershed

In 1996, the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and the Republic of Panama's Environmental Authority, with support from the United States Agency fo...
R Ibá?EzR ConditG Angehr , ... -  《Environmental Mo...  -  被引量:  109  -  2002年

Cross–Cordillera exchange mediated by the Panama Canal increased the species richness of local freshwater fish assemblages

Completion of the Panama Canal in 1914 breached the continental divide and set into motion a natural experiment of unprecedented magnitude by bringing p...
SA SmithG BellE Bermingham  -  《Proceedings of t...  -  被引量:  72  -  2004年

Flora of the Panama Canal Zone

CAB Direct is the most thorough and extensive source of reference in the applied life sciences, incorporating the leading bibliographic databases CAB Ab...
PC Standley  -  《Contributions fr...  -  被引量:  81  -  1928年

Bundling ecosystem services in the Panama Canal watershed

Land cover change in watersheds affects the supply of a number of ecosystem services, including water supply, the production of timber and nontimber for...
SilvioSimonitCharles , ... -  《Proceedings of t...  -  被引量:  40  -  2013年
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Cheilostomatous polyzoa from the vicinity of the Panama Canal

1930. Cheilostomatous Polyzoa from the vi- cinity of the Panama Canal collected by Dr. C. Crossland on the cruise of the S. Y. ``St. George''...
HastingsB A.  -  University of Cam...  -  被引量:  70  -  1929年

The Panama Canal: Species Introductions and the Panama Canal

Cohen AN (2006) Species introductions and the Panama Canal. In: Gollasch S, Galil BS, Cohen AN (eds) Bridging divides: maritime canals as invasion corridors. Springer, Dordrecht, pp 127-206...
A. CohenS GollaschB. Galil  -  被引量:  46  -  2006年

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