

To Captain Krusenstern, of the Imperial Russian Navy, as a tribute for his laudable exertions to benefit navigation and maritime sci...

Rev. ed.], Additions to 1857. Hydrographic map showing the Sunda Strait and various recommended ship tracks in the region. Relief shown by hachures. Dep...
J Horsburgh 被引量:  0

Transitions of care from the womb to the world: Implementation of inpatient neonatal med rec

Background: Medication use during pregnancy is common. Safety of fetal medication exposures is an important consideration for pregnancy and for pharmaco...
Megan ZamoraMichael HermanAlexra Herman  -  Journal of the Am...  -  被引量:  0  -  2024年

Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of the Unmanned Bulldozer based on Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process

is formed by different weights under the same coordinates, and the specific evaluation scores are obtained through the calculation of the radar chart ar...
Binrui ZhangLunming HuangMin Ye  -  2023 9th Internat...  -  被引量:  0

Research on Reading Effect of the Information Chart in the Data News: Evidence from the Eye Movement

[Purpose/significance] Using the data news as the reading situation, the information chart as the experimental material, the eye movement and behavior e...
H FangY ShangR Zhang , ... -  被引量:  0  -  2019年
来源: 知网

Discharges Against Medical Advice in Pregnant Patients at a Canadian Tertiary Care Center: Does Lack of Access to Childcare Play a R...

Discharges against medical advice (AMA) during pregnancy have been associated with poor maternal and fetal outcomes. Moreover, one of the documented rea...
Ariane LitalienChrista L. AubreySabrina Merali  -  Obstetrics & Gyne...  -  被引量:  0  -  2024年

Intimate Partner Violence Screening in a Pregnant Military Population: Implementation of the E-HITS Protocol [ID 2683442]

The military population has higher rates of intimate partner violence (IPV) compared to the civilian population. This is further exacerbated in obstetri...
Rebecca W. GreggNicholas TeneyuqueJeffrey Griffis  -  Obstetrics & Gyne...  -  被引量:  0  -  2024年

Culture-driven quality enhancement: Uncovering the impact of robotics integration in the South African construction sector

Integration of robotics into construction companies could alter the field of innovation and productivity. This research examines the connection between ...
Sivuyile Aubrey FalteinNita Inderal Sukdeo  -  Ain Shams Enginee...  -  被引量:  0  -  2024年

Pak Pak Serves You

for example, the ambiguity like uttering, different words but with same pronunciation, low accuracy when dealing with large amount of words and so on. Q...
P KaLP ManMH Fong 被引量:  0

va1idation of the morse fa11 sca1e brazi1ian version for institutiona1ized o1der adu1ts mfs b i1pi

Objective: To validate the criterion and construct of the Morse Fall Scale - Brazilian version (MFS-B) for institutionalized older adults. Method: Metho...
来源: SciELO

Metabolic potential of Nitrososphaera-associated clades

Soil ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) play a crucial role in converting ammonia to nitrite, thereby mobilizing reactive nitrogen species into their solub...
... Eisenhauer NicoSchleper ChristaHeintz-Buschart Anna  -  The ISME Journal  -  被引量:  0  -  2024年

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