

Translation, adaptation, and validation of a Chinese version of the Hypertension Self-Care Activity Level effects (H-SCALE) for pati...

Lifestyle modification is an essential component of prevention and management of hypertension. Existing instruments in Taiwan focus on assessing lifesty...
Ting-Yu ChenChi-Wen KaoShu-Meng Cheng , ... -  BMC Nursing  -  被引量:  0  -  2024年
来源: Springer

Para-selective nitrobenzene amination lead by C(sp2)-H/N-H oxidative cross-coupling through aminyl radical

Arylamines, serving as crucial building blocks in natural products and finding applications in multifunctional materials, are synthesized on a large sca...
... Shusheng YueBo JinAiwen Lei , ... -  Nature Communicat...  -  被引量:  0  -  2024年
来源: Springer

Solvent induced synthesis of fluorescence Zn(II)-based metal–organic frameworks with distinctive responsiveness to DMF stimuli

[Display omitted] Two novel luminescent MOFs, namely, {[Zn2(TCA)(BPPB)(DMA)(OH)]·2DMA}n(DZU-115) and [Zn(HTCA)(BPPB)0.5(DMA)]n(DZU-116), have been succ...
... Wen-Feng ZhouYong-Zheng ZhangShujuan Zhuang , ... -  Polyhedron  -  被引量:  0  -  2024年

Determination of Azole Fungicide Residues in Fresh Juice by Magnetic Solid Phase Extraction Based on Fe3O4@ZnAl-LDH@MIL-53(Al) Sorbe...

In this work, a magnetic adsorption material based on metal–organic framework (Fe3O4@ZnAl-LDH@MIL-53(Al)) was synthesized and used as an adsorbent in t...
Yang Shu-TongCao Yi-WenZeng Zi-Ying , ... -  Journal of Chroma...  -  被引量:  0  -  2024年

Hippo (YAP)–autophagy axis protects against hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury through JNK signaling

Hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury (HIRI) remains a common complication during liver transplantation (LT) in patients. As a key downstream effector of ...
... Xiaowen WangHaoqi ChenGenshu Wang , ... -  Chinese Medical J...  -  被引量:  0  -  2023年

Cyanosis Retinae. Mao Wen-Shu and Wei Pu-Kuang. Chinese J. Ophth. 5(1):15-19, 1955.

Cyanosis Retinae. Mao Wen-Shu and Wei Pu-Kuang. Chinese J. Ophth. 5(1):15-19, 1955. T. H. L.中华医学杂志(英文版)...
HL T. 被引量:  0
来源: 万方

Study on Water Splitting of the 214-Type Perovskite Oxides LnSrCoO4 (Ln = La, Pr, Sm, Eu, and Ga)

We present a study on the electrocatalysis of 214-type perovskite oxides LnSrCoO4 (Ln = La, Pr, Sm, Eu, and Ga) with semiconducting-like behavior synthe...
... Jin LiWen XieHanShu Xu , ... 被引量:  0
来源: ACS
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Reaction of a Thienyl Schiff Base with Diiron Nonacarbonyl:  Characterization and Structures of [μ-N-(((2,3-η1:η2)-5-Methyl-2-th...

When thienyl Schiff base 1 reacted with Fe2(CO)9 under very mild conditions in benzene three major products were obtained:  (1) a cyclometalated (μ-η1...
Dong-Liang WangWen-Shu HwangLan-Chang Liang , ... -  《Organometallics》  -  被引量:  28  -  1997年
来源: ACS

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