21、 鹤归来 : 二卷 [18--]湖北官书处刻本

He gui lai chuan qiFirst two prefatory leaves in red ink Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Gift of the Chinese Government 一册精装 九行字不等 Nine lines; number of characters per line varies; double lines of six char...


更多: 孔夫子旧书网 国图▪文津 万方数据 抗日战争与近代中日关系文献数据平台 上海图书馆 京东

22、 陈眉公先生批评异梦记 : 二卷 明万历间刊本

Yi meng jiIn case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 明万历间刊本 匡高19 6+2 4 宽13 7公分 版匡分上下栏:下栏九行廿四字 小字双行字同;上栏小字双行四字 Two columns: lower column, nine lines, with twenty-four characters per line, and small characters ...


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23、 鼎镌绣襦记 : 二卷

Chen Meigong xian sheng pi ping Su ru ji | Su ru jiPrinted by Xiao Tenghong; eleven woodblock illustrations included ...


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24、 琵琶记 : 四卷 明万历间(1573-1679)凌濛初校刊本

Pi pa ji is considered the first "nan chu", or Southern drama; identified as Ming print created by Ling Mengchu dated 1573-1678 in four chapters; however, according to the comment written in black on the first page of volume one, the text w...


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25、 吴吴山三妇合评牡丹亭还魂记 : 二卷 清康熙梦园据汤显祖玉茗堂原本印本

Huan hun ji | Wu Wushan san fu he ping xin juan xiu xiang Wu ming tang Mu dan ting | Mu dan ting huan hun jiCaption title 清康熙梦园据汤显祖玉茗堂原本印本 四周单边 上下黑口 黑单鱼尾 原本版匡高19 9+4 0宽14 1公分, 全书高30 1宽17 6公分 黄纸金镶玉装 上下二栏:下栏十行二十字 上栏镌评小字二十四行七字 Two columns: low...


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26、 新刻出像音注五代刘智远白兔记 : 二卷 明富春堂刻本

Bai tu jiIn case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 明富春堂刻本 版匡高19 4 宽12 6公分 十行二十四字 Ten lines, with twenty-four characters per line 卷上开端残阙 卷下题:“金陵书坊唐对溪梓 ”北平图书馆藏富春堂刻曲甚多 然无此本 为可宝也 世所称荆刘拜杀四大名剧 刘即此曲 今尚有六十种曲汇刻传奇等刻本 ...


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27、 双仙记传奇 : 二卷 清乾隆丁亥(32年,1767)香雪山房藏版刊本

Shuang xian jiAccording to the preface by Cui Yingjie, thirty-six episodes of this drama were intended, but only six were completed; however, forty years later, Cui completed the thirty-six epidodes with the assistance of Wu Laixun ...


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28、 新编妞儿坏良心 : 五出 清光緖间李占魁刻本

In folder Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Gift W W Rockhill September 7, 1944 (清)佚名编 Qing Dynasty; editor anonymous 清光緖间李占魁刻本 无版匡栏格 黄纸 行字不等 Number of lines and characters per line varies 首题"新编妞儿坏良心" 下无署名 ...


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29、 紫钗记 : 二卷 明万历间刻本

Running title In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 明万历间刻本 版匡高19 5 宽13 1公分 下栏十行二十二字 上栏双行五小字 Lower section, ten lines, with twenty-two characters per line; upper section, double rows of five small charact...


更多: 抗日战争与近代中日关系文献数据平台 国图 京东 籍合网 上海图书馆

30、 玉杵记 : 二卷 明万历间建阳萧氏师俭堂刻本

Pei Xianlang lan qiao yu chu ji | Lan qiao yu chu jiFull title: "Pei xian lang lan qiao yu chu ji", by Yang Wenjiong (Yang Zhijiong) who was from Yuyao in Zhejiang Sheng; not been listed in contemporary collectors lists, this copy may be th...


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31、 乌兰誓传奇 : 二卷 清嘉庆间(1796-1820)小百尺楼刊本

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 九行十六字 Nine lines, with sixteen characters per line 清嘉庆间(1796-1820)小百尺楼刊本 小字双行字同 版匡高10 0宽7 4公分 Qing Dynasty woodblock print issued by Xiao bai chi lou between 1796 an...


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32、 李卓吾先生批评北西厢记 : 二卷 明万历[1573-1620]容与堂刻本

Bei xi xiang jiEighteen illustrations in volume 1, and twenty illustrations in volume 2; no preface and no postscript; some annotations and comments are written in black ...


更多: 抗日战争与近代中日关系文献数据平台 孔夫子旧书网 上海图书馆 国图▪文津 万方数据 籍合网

33、 小蓬莱传奇 [1940-1950]

34 leaves ; 16 cm ...


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