46、 大明嘉靖十八年歲次已亥大統曆 明嘉靖[1522-1566] 刻本



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56、 照天寶鑒 明[1368-1644] 抄本

版本书目史注:10行 行字不等 黑口 左右双边 ...


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58、 筭学启蒙述义 : 三卷

Caption title In case "QA"--Cover Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Gift of the Chinese Government 十行十九大字 栏小字十九字 Ten lines, with nineteen large characters, and paired lines of nineteen small characters per l...


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59、 大明嘉靖三年岁次甲申大统历 : 一卷 明嘉靖三年刻本

Ming Jiajing san nian li shu | Da Ming Jiajing san nian da tong liPostscript reads, "National calendar almanac, made by the Astronomy Officer under the order of the Emperor; anyone making an unauthorized copy will be decapitated" ...


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