163、 說郛 明末刊本



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164、 佚存叢書 寛政11年-文化07年刊本



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169、 崔氏四种 : 二十一卷

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site September 18, 1940 562926 十册四函 Ten volumes in four cases 十行十八字;士翼九行十八字 Ten lines, with eighteen characters per line, except in the Tu yi section, which has nine lines, with ...


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170、 合刻三志 明末刻本

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 不分卷十六册二函 Sixteen volumes in two cases 九行二十字 Nine lines, with twenty characters per line 明末刻本 版匡高19 8宽13 4公分 冰华居士序云:“稗官家无虑数百 唯虞初齐谐夷坚三志称焉 何也 猥谈鄙事 田舍翁村学究多好为之 而雅俗之辨 真薰莸之别 以三书裁自才...


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171、 建文朝野汇编 : 二十卷 明万历间刻本

Chao ye hui bianAlso available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site November 29, 1940 600024 六册二函 Six volumes in two cases 明万历间刻本 左右双栏 白口 白单鱼尾 匡高20 5宽14 3公分 九行十八字 Nine lines, with eighteen characters per line 原题:“原任广东道监察御史秀水屠...


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172、 升菴杂刻 : 九种三十三卷 明嘉靖间序刊本

Title from label on cover In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 明嘉靖间序刊本 版匡高21 7宽15 0公分(以册一古音骈字计)全书高31 1宽18 0公分 各册版式行字均不一 Irregular format: number of lines and characters per line varies 所收书目如下: 册一:滇程记一卷 ...


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173、 童歌养正. 史鉴节要便读. 童蒙必读书

On double leaves, oriental style, in case Reprint (1st and 3rd work) Originally published: Wuchang shu ju, 1883 Reprint (2nd work) Originally published: Chong wen shu ju, 1873 Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web si...


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174、 增定古今逸史 : 五十五种 明万历间刻本

Originally written by Wu Guan in the Ming Dynasty; Wu Zhongheng assisted Wu Guan by compiling and supplementing his work; in the Commercial Press reprint edition, Wu Guan s name was omitted and the name Wu Zhongheng was cited ...


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175、 官制备考 : 二卷. 舆图摘要 : 十五卷 明崇祯间刻本

Si liu quan shuAlso available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 八册合装一函 Eight volumes bound into one 明崇祯间刻本 四周单栏 白口 无鱼尾 版匡高20 9宽13 6公分; 补: 钤印有"玉函山房藏书"朱文方印 九行二十字 Nine lines, with twenty characters per line 补:钤印有"玉函山房藏书"朱文方印 ...


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176、 味经斋遗书十五种 清道光间庄绶甲宝研堂刻本

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Collection of Wang Shunan April 3, 1929 379064 清道光间庄绶甲宝研堂刻本 左右双边 上下黑口 黑双鱼尾 匡高18 4宽12 7公分(行字尺寸据彖传论叶一) 黄纸 十行二十字 Ten lines, with twenty characters per line 书名叶题"味经斋遗书 宝...


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177、 古今类雅 : 三十一种 明弘治间无锡华氏翻宋百川学海本

Ming Dynasty woodblock print, based on the Song Dynasty Bai chuan xue hai version printed by Mr Hua of Fuxi The names of the compiler and printer are not recorded Preface by Xie Fangde is dated 1249, but the language of the preface suggests...


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178、 金声玉振集 : 五十八卷 明嘉靖四十年刻本

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 五十二种二十四册四函 Fifty-two sections and twenty-four volumes in four cases 明嘉靖四十年刻本 左右双栏 白口 白鱼尾 版匡高17 0宽12 2公分; 补: 末叶题: "嘉靖辛酉年三月上巳日刘时美刻" 十行十八字 Ten lines, with eighteen characters p...


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179、 王壬秋全书 : 二十一种二百四十四卷 清光緖至宣统刻本

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site November 18, 1949 0377g 一百零二册九函 One hundred two volumes in nine cases 清光緖至宣统刻本 版匡高19 5宽12 2 全书高26 6宽14 7公分 行款版式分见各书 Number of lines and characters per line varies from chapt...


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180、 四种争奇 : 十二卷

Also available in digital form 十二册二函 Twelve volumes in two cases 页768-769 提要320字; 金镶玉本, 纸张稍黄, 中缝稍狭 第5册有大刀阔斧之墨书评语 六行二十字 Six lines, with twenty characters per line 明邓志谟撰 志谟字景南 号百拙 亦号竹溪风月主人 约生于嘉靖三十九年前后 据张大佐序 四库提要则谓志谟古事苑成于康熙丙寅 上距生年百二十余岁 定无此理 提要...


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