142、 鳌頭音注五経 日本刊本 明治14年(1881年)


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147、 訂正音訓五経句読 日本刊本(序刊) 庆応02年(1866年)


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151、 明本排字九経直音 元刊本 元至正17年(1357年) 日新书堂

旧蔵者 近江西大路藩主市桥长昭献上本...


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152、 惜阴日记 钞本

Xi yin tang ri jiMs In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site April 28, 1941 616892 钞本 无栏格 文字部分约高20 2宽12 6公分;补:宋咸熙 武林藏书志 卷下有传;此罗振常石印原本 珍贵 或有资校勘处 书套"惜阴堂日记 : 原抄本二册" 十行二十一字 Ten lines, with twenty-one characters...


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153、 五经类语 : 八卷

Label on page [2] of cover reads: "Wu ching lei yü by Liang Yü-ch iao This manuscript, a "Dictionary of classified phrases in the Five Classics," was compiled in the sixteenth century It was once in the library of Prince Kuo (Kuo Ch in Wa...


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154、 十一经音训 清光緖三年湖北崇文书局刻本

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Gift of the Chinese Government 二十六册四函 Twenty-six volumes in four cases 九行二十四字 Nine lines with twenty-four characters per line "光緖三年三月湖北崇文书局开雕"--Colophon on t p verso "道光十有一年...


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155、 泉斋简端录 : 十二卷 明崇祯间刻本

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site January 11, 1940 580875 崇祯间刻本 四周单栏 白口 单鱼尾 版匡高20 7宽13 8公分 十行二十字 Ten lines, with twenty characters per line 明邵宝(撰) 卷内题:“门生天台王宗元编次 梅里华云较正 邑后学曹荃重编刻 冢玄孙澄重较辑” 此在邵文庄公经史全书内 ...


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156、 北海经学七录 : 八卷 清乾隆39年古俊楼校刊本

The postscript, dated 1813, states that this book was completed in 1777 with seventy-two chapters, and was named Tong de yi shu suo jian lu However, many supplements appear to have been added following the year 1777 In 1780, Wen Zhao wrote ...


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157、 易堂问目 : 四卷 清乾隆间进呈原本

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Collection of Wang Shunan April 3, 1929 379064 清乾隆间进呈原本 四册一函 左右双边 细黑口 黑单鱼尾 匡高17 6宽12 6公分 白纸 十行二十一字 Ten lines, with twenty-one characters per line 书名叶正中题"易堂问目" 匡上眉题"进...


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160、 经传九州通解 光緖戊申[1908]

1 v (various pagings) : ill ; 27 cm ...


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