1、 黄河发源入海图 : 不分卷 清中叶彩色绘图本

Huang He quan tuRecords events related to the Huang He from 1544 to 1855; bound as a long scroll painting with twenty-six plates, and annotations related to the size of dams and the number of fortresses and troops attached to it ...


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2、 七省沿海全图 : 一卷 清道光间刻本

Qi sheng yan hai tuCollection of maps from the year Huangpeng, drawn by a person named Tang from Dongtai Zhoubei; Shao Tinglie added two maps, Wu song kou fang yang and Jiang dong xing sheng; annotations and explanatory notes added between ...


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6、 最新太平洋地图 东京日日新闻社 , 昭和16 [1941] 

1 map : col ; 76 x 107 cm , folded to 25 x 18 cm ...


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7、 火烧岛 台湾总督府中央硏究所农业部 , 大正14 [1925] 

1 map : col ; 47 x 60 cm , folded to 24 x 16 cm ...


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8、 台湾府属膨湖诸岛 [明治]刊

法量(cm) 35 8×28 1 形质 铜版、折仕立 印记 “东京帝室博物馆図书之印”“记录局管理大蔵省図书之记”(“大蔵省消印”) 备考 “大日本海军水路寮”・“第四拾八号”とあり...


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10、 登州府蓬莱県正北庙岛海峡・黄海北西部海洋岛锚地 [明治]刊

法量(cm) 34 6×20 5 形质 铜版、折仕立 印记 “东京帝室博物馆図书之印”“记录局管理大蔵省図书之记”(“大蔵省消印”) 备考 “大日本海军水路寮”・“第四拾一号”とあり...


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11、 中国海地图Carte de la Mer de Chine : dressée d'après les travaux les plus récents [Paris] : Au Dépôt des cartes et plans de la Marine, [1888]


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12、 中国海地图China Sea. Sheet II (South East), Bruit River to Calamian Island 1859 London : Published at the Admiralty 22nd Sepr. 1859 under the superintendence of Capt. Washington R.N. F.R.S. Hydrographer, 1859


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13、 中国海地图China Sea Sheet 1st. [London] : Published according to Act of Parliament by James Horsburgh 1st Jan y. 1806, 1815


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14、 中国海地图China Sea : Banka Strait London : Published at the Admiralty 4th June 1858, under the Superintendence of Captn. Washington, R.N. F.R.S. Hydrographer : Sold by J.D. Potter agent for the Admiralty charts 31 Poultry and 11 King


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15、 中国海地图The China Sea London : Published according to Act of Parliament at the Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty May 20th. 1840 : Sold by J.D. Potter Agent for the Admiralty charts 31 Poultry & 11 King St. Tower Hill, 1


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18、 中国东部海岸图China, east coast : Yellow Sea and Gulf of Pe-chili London : Published according to Act of Parliament at the Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty : sold by J.D. Potter, agent for the sale of the Admiralty charts, 31 Poultry and King St., Tower Hill, 18


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