1、 御批历代通鉴辑览 : 一百二十卷 四库全书本

Yu pi tong jian ji lanAlso available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Gift of the Chinese Government 二十册二函 Twenty volumes in two cases 四库全书本 乾隆三十二年奉 Copy of the Si ku quan shu edition, dated Qianlong 32 nian [1767]; prefa...


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2、 皇明大训记 : 十六卷 明崇祯间刻皇明史概本

Da xun jiAlso available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 十六册二函 Sixteen volumes in two cases 明崇祯间刻皇明史概本 左右双栏 白口 黑单鱼尾 匡高21 3宽14 3公分 十行二十一字 Ten lines, with twenty-one characters per line 原题:“臣朱国祯辑”按是书始太祖丙申三月 迄宣德九年 宣德以后 盖未成书 ...


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3、 宋史全文续资治通鉴 : 三十六卷, 增入名儒讲义续资治通鉴宋季朝事实二卷 元刻元印本

Xu Zi zhi tong jian chang bian | Zeng ru ming ru jiang yi xu Zi zhi tong jian Song ji chao shi shi | Song ji chao shi shiThere were two editions of this work in the Yuan Dynasty, one complete and the other abridged; the complete version sup...


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4、 世统纪年订 : 四卷, 附录一卷 清道光间归礼堂刻本

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site July 7, 1950 1600J 清道光间归礼堂刻本 左右双栏 白口 黑单鱼尾 版匡高16 4宽12 0公分 黄纸; 钤印有"灵山"朱文方印, "求是室藏本"朱文方印 九行二十字 Nine lines, with twenty characters per line 函脊号 1289 签条号无 书名叶右题"世统纪年订" 左下...


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5、 历朝纲鉴会纂 清书业德刻本

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Collection of Wang Shunan April 3, 1929 379064 At head of title: 通鉴纲目定本 下栏十行二十七字 上栏小字双行三字 Lower column, ten lines with twenty-seven characters per line; upper column, small ...


更多: 上海图书馆 万方数据 万方学术-重庆图书馆 全国报刊索引 孔夫子旧书网 统计年鉴分享平台 国图▪文津 中国县志大全 京东 抗日战争与近代中日关系文献数据平台 Worldcat

7、 钦定明鉴 : 二十四卷 清同治9年[1870]崇文书局刻本

In case Number of lines and characters per line vary Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site "清嘉庆十八年托津等奉〓[shu] 撰 "...


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8、 镌紫溪苏先生会纂历朝纪要旨南纲鉴 : 二十卷

Qin Zixi Su xian sheng biao ti gang jian ji | Gang jian ji yao | Li chao ji yao gang jianTitle from caption In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 下栏十三行二十六字 双行小字 上栏双行七字 Lower section: thirteen lines, with...


更多: 中国县志大全 知网万方 新华文摘 上海图书馆 京东

9、 资治通鉴纲目集览 : 五十九卷 明司礼监刻本

Gang mu ji lanAlso available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Gift Collection of Wang Shunan April 3, 1929 379064 明司礼监刻本 四周双栏 上下黑口 黑双鱼尾 匡高27 4宽17 6公分 八行十八字 注双行二十一字 Eight lines, with eighteen characters per line; notes in ...


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10、 大清实录 : 存四卷 清内府红格清稿本

Guangxu shi lu Xuantong zheng jiThe annals of Qing Dynasty history, created by the Imperial Printer; only four chapters are extant: chapter 21, "De zong shi lu" (Record of the Guangxu Emperor), in one chapter; one incomplete chapter; and tw...


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