

Redetermination of Hg2I2

The crystal structure of mercurous iodide, Hg2I2, has been determined previously from X-ray powder diffraction data [Havighurst (1926). J. Am. Chem. Soc...
... T RoisnelV DorcetA Rebbah , ... -  《Acta Crystallogr...  -  被引量:  2  -  2012年
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Depenses normatives des organismes assureurs dans le cadre de l'introduction de la responsabilite financiere (1995-1996). (With Engl...

A Ministerial Decree setting up the Financial Responsibility of the Mutualities was passed in August 1994. The role of the Sickness Funds has changed dr...
E SchokkaertP KestensG Dhaene , ... -  《Cahiers Economiq...  -  被引量:  6  -  1996年

Recovering Asymptotics of Short Range Potentials

des opérateurs à noyaux CN: Pour le premier cela découle des travaux de Joshi et Sà Baretto =-=[J-S]-=-, et pour le second ...
MS JoshiAS Barreto  -  《Communications i...  -  被引量:  82  -  1998年

Progrès récents sur l'hypothèse du continu

Woodin's recent work has considerably renewed set theory by restoring its unity and making the domain more globally intelligible. For the first time, his results open a realistic perspective to solve the Continuum Problem, and, at the...
P Dehornoy  -  《Astérisque》  -  被引量:  16  -  2003年

Environmental determinants of social wasp diversity and assemblage structure in an Amazonian archipelagic landscape

Hydropower development has become an important driver of habitat loss and fragmentation across lowland tropical forests. Despite ample evidence on the d...
José Victor Alves FerreiraAlexandre SomavillaMaíra Benchimol , ... -  Zoological Resear...  -  被引量:  0  -  2024年

Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and X?ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study of Lithium Metal Surface Aging in Imidazolium-Base...

Lithiumreactivity toward an electrolytic media and dendrite growthphenomenon constitutes the main drawback for its use as an anode materialfor the lithi...
JE Morales-UgarteA BenayadCC Santini , ... -  《Acs Applied Mate...  -  被引量:  0  -  2019年

Lectureado.com, ou, Comment promouvoir le plaisir de lire chez les adolescents de 12 à 15 ans

As certain studies demonstrate, a considerable number of teenagers still have not discovered the pleasure of reading. Therefore, this thesis aims to highlight this pleasure to teenagers, from 12 to 15 years old, by introducing them to...
Burman, MarieHlène  -  Département D'e...  -  被引量:  0  -  2007年

Les variations du niveau marin depuis 2 000 ans, P. Pirazzoli

-- Les variations du niveau marin depuis 10 000 ans, le long du littoral Atlantique francais. Le Quaternaire. Geodynamique, stratigraphie et environnement. Travaux francais recents. 9e Congres Intern, de VINQUA, Christ- church, de...
RBA Guilcher  -  《Annales De Géogr...  -  被引量:  23  -  1977年
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Influence de la dimension des eprouvettes sur le retrait

o M. Mamillan and Ao Bouineau, "Influence de la Dimension des Eprouvettes sur le Retrait", Annales Inst. Techn. du B~timent et des Travaux Publics (Suppl.) 23, 5-6 (1970).L’Hermite,R. G.,Mamillan,M.Influence de ...
RG L'HermiteM Mamillan  -  被引量:  20  -  1970年

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