

The Shaolin Monastery

239 Baduan jin 八段錦 Bagua Zhang 八卦掌 Baigu shu 柏谷墅 Baigu zhuang 柏谷莊 Baima 白馬Temple Baiyi dashi dian 白衣大士殿 bang 棒 bang yu gun yi ye 棒與棍一也 Baoben 報本 Temple baobiao 保鏢 Baofang 豹房 baozhang 寶杖 Batuo 跋陀 Bawa...
M Shahar  -  被引量:  9  -  2017年

Association of hepatic steatosis and liver fibrosis with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among adults

With high prevalence and substantial mortality, metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD...
Dayang ZhengXiang LiuWei Zeng , ... -  Scientific Reports  -  被引量:  0  -  2024年
来源: Springer

Circulating serum fibroblast growth factor 21 as risk and prognostic biomarker of retinal artery occlusion

To evaluate the predictive and prognostic value of fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) levels in retinal artery occlusion (RAO) patients. In this case鈥...
Ruobing ShiHang LiuKaichao Xia , ... -  Scientific Reports  -  被引量:  0  -  2024年
来源: Springer

在专注中淬炼艺术 专访"古歌"音乐人林小草

薛辛萌于佳林小草  -  音乐爱好者  -  被引量:  0  -  2024年


张颖  -  语文教学通讯  -  被引量:  0  -  2023年

Supraglottic Jet Oxygenation and Ventilation to Minimize Hypoxia in Patients Receiving Flexible Bronchoscopy Under Deep Sedation: A ...

Hypoxia often occurs due to shared airway and anesthetic sedation-induced hypoventilation in patients receiving flexible bronchoscopy (FB) under deep se...
... Keting MinHuanping ZhouXuan Shi , ... -  Anesthesia & Anal...  -  被引量:  0  -  2024年

Source and risk assessment of heavy metals in mining-affected areas in Jiangxi Province, China, based on Monte Carlo simulation

In recent years, heavy metal contamination of soils has become a major concern in China due to the potential risks involved. To assess environmental pol...
... Shi YanghuiWang LiangCi Manting , ... -  Environmental Sci...  -  被引量:  0  -  2024年

Effects of probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics on anthropometric, cardiometabolic and inflammatory markers: An umbrella review of ...

Though probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics have been shown to confer health benefits, their effects on cardiometabolic risk factors remain unclear. Th...
Yu Qing Jolene TeoBryan ChongHan Shi Jocelyn Chew  -  Clinical Nutrition  -  被引量:  0  -  2024年

High AMH levels are associated with gestational hypertension in patients with PCOS who underwent IVF/ICSI-ET

BACKGROUND. Patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) have a higher risk of obstetric complications. The association between anti-M眉llerian hormon...
Zhang MenghuiLiu ShujunShi Hao , ... -  The Journal of Cl...  -  被引量:  0  -  2024年

#95 : Analysis of the Incidence of and Risk Factors for Chronic Endometritis Recurrence in Infertile Women

Background and Aims: Chronic endometritis (CE) is an inflammatory condition of the endometrium which is related to repeated implantation failure. Recove...
Keisuke ShiobaraKeiji KurodaShunsuke Ishiyama , ... -  Fertility & Repro...  -  被引量:  0  -  2023年

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