

miR-4429 inhibits ccRCC proliferation, migration, and invasion by directly targeting CD274

Clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) is one of the most aggressive urological malignancies and a highly immunogenic cancer. Yet, its pathogenesis is ...
... Ying ZhangCiCi GuoHua Shi , ... -  Discover Oncology  -  被引量:  0  -  2024年
来源: Springer

Mechanistic role of RND3-regulated IL33/ST2 signaling on cardiomyocyte senescence

Activation of IL33/ST2 signaling contributes cardiomyocyte senescence.Downregulation of RND3 leads to activation of IL33/ST2/NF-κB signaling.RND3 binds...
... Kaijia ShiYan ChenZhihua Shen , ... -  Life Sciences  -  被引量:  0  -  2024年

ChemFH: an integrated tool for screening frequent false positives in chemical biology and drug discovery

High-throughput screening rapidly tests an extensive array of chemical compounds to identify hit compounds for specific biological targets in drug disco...
Shi ShaohuaFu LiYi Jiacai , ... -  Nucleic Acids Res...  -  被引量:  0  -  2024年

Facet-dependent catalytic activity of CeO_(2) toward methanol synthesis from methane

The relationship between CeO_(2) morphology(nano rods,NR;nano cubes,NC;nano octahedra,NO) and methanol synthesis from methane at low reaction temperatur...
... Xiao ShiRuixin ZhangZhihua Gao , ... -  Journal of Rare E...  -  被引量:  0  -  2023年

"Pictorial Shanghai" ("Shanghai huabao", 1925-1933) and Creation of Shanghai's Modern Visual Culture

本文考察了1925年至1933年間出版的《上海畫報》(Pictorial Shanghai)中的中國新文化與社會的誘人圖像。此畫刊為每三日出版,刊登名人時事和社會新聞軼事的攝影插圖,...
安雅蘭(Julia F. Andrews)  -  《藝術學研究》  -  被引量:  2  -  2013年


潘光主編,《猶太人在上海》,上海市:上海畫報,1995年。 劉建輝著,甘慧杰譯,《魔都上海──日本知識人的近代體驗》,上海市:上海古 籍,2003年。 雷蒙‧道森著...
Chiapei Tang  -  被引量:  0  -  2009年

Correlation between Balthazar CT grading, CECT necrosis volume, attenuation value, and prognosis of patients with acute necrotizing ...

To analyze the correlation between Balthazar CT grading and contrast-enhanced CT necrosis volume and attenuation value and prognosis of patients with ac...
... Shengfei HuangHaibo XiangZhihua Huang  -  Medicine  -  被引量:  0  -  2024年

Optical bistability at lower photon number via photon and phonon interaction in the presence of Kerr nonlinearity

Optical bistability is theoretically analyzed in a hybrid optomechanical system consisting of an optical cavity including a Kerr medium and an optomecha...
... Xian-Kai JiangHeng-Mei LiBao-Hua Yang , ... -  被引量:  0  -  2024年
来源: IOP

The Educational Adaptive-optics Solar Telescope (EAST) at the Shanghai Astronomy Museum

The Educational Adaptive-optics Solar Telescope at the Shanghai Astronomy Museum has been running routine astronomical observations since 2021. It is a ...
... Yue ZhongJiawen YaoHua Bao , ... -  Astronomical Tech...  -  被引量:  0  -  2024年

Validation and Evaluation of GRACE-FO Estimates with In Situ Bottom Pressure Array Measurements in the South China Sea

Moreover, the volume transport anomaly of the SCS abyssal circulation was estimated and compared based on the OBP records from GSFC and PIES observation...
Xuecheng WangHua ZhengXiaoHua Zhu , ... -  被引量:  0  -  2023年
来源: mdpi.com

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