

Spatial utilization of historical topographic map and its application in land reconstruction of ancient Chinese urban land use

(1) During the late Qing Dynasty, the total area of urban land in the various provinces and regions was 1456.015 km2. The maximum value was 208.691 ...
Zhiwei WanHongqi Wu  -  Scientific Reports  -  被引量:  0  -  2024年
来源: Springer

The identification of material basis of Si Miao Formula effective for attenuating non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Ethnopharmacological relevance: The Si Miao Formula (SMF), a traditional Chinese medicine, originated from the "Cheng Fang Bian Du" during the Qing Dyna...
Li, YanZheng, NingningGao, Xinxin , ... -  Journal of Ethnop...  -  被引量:  0  -  2024年

Longdan Xiegan decoction ameliorates vulvovaginal candidiasis by inhibiting the NLRP3 inflammasome via the Toll-like receptor/MyD88 ...

) is a standardized herbal prescription originally documented in the "Medical Formula Collection" by the eminent physician Wang Ang during the Qing dyna...
... Zhang, HaoHu, KaifanShi, Gaoxiang , ... -  Journal of Ethnop...  -  被引量:  0  -  2024年

Identity Cosmetics

In November,a friend and I made our first-ever visit to Chongqing,a city that arguably has the best cuisine in China and unique scenery once praised by ...
Ayaushan Saparbayeva  -  Beijing Review  -  被引量:  0  -  2023年

The Acceptance of Yi'an Poetry by Xiang Hongzuo in Qing Dynasty

Although Xiang Hongzuo,the poet,lived in the turn of Zhexi poetry school and Changzhou poetry school and was affected by them,he wasn't limited by them ...
LP ZhangB Department  -  《Journal of Qiqih...  -  被引量:  0  -  2018年
来源: 知网

Xiang System in Ming and Qing Dynasty——A Case Study of Xiang System of Wujin County of Changzhou Prefecture

What kind of role did the Xiang(township)play in the county's government?There are lots of written materials about the thirty-five Xiang in Wujin's loca...
Z ZhangS XieDO History , ... -  《Journal of Shang...  -  被引量:  0  -  2017年
来源: 知网

Timothy Richard's vision: Education and reform in China, 1880-1910.E.V.Johnson

This book focuses on Timothy Richard's involvement in the building of a modem Chinese education system in the final phase of the Qing dynasty.The study ...
Limin BAI  -  中国高等学校学术文摘·教育学  -  被引量:  0  -  2016年


马学春  -  新课程学习(基础教育)  -  被引量:  0  -  2013年

A Preliminary Discussion of Dai Zhen's Philosophy of Language

of humanist positivism, which was different from both the Song and Ming dynasties' School of Principles and the early Qing dynasty's philosophical forms...
WU GenyouHUANG Deyuan  -  中国高等学校学术文摘·哲学  -  被引量:  0  -  2010年

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