

[Experimental evaluation of pure traditional Chinese medical mouth rinse on skin and mucosa stimulation and bacteriostatic-bacterici...

PURPOSE: To observe the stimulating effect of pure traditional Chinese medical mouth rinse(PTCMMR) on skin and mucosa and to evaluate the efficacy of PT...
MZ MaZJ LiuJT Lu , ... -  《Shanghai Journal...  -  被引量:  2  -  2014年

Coverage Effect on the Activity of the Acetylene Semi-Hydrogenation over Pd-Sn Catalysts: A Density Functional Theory Study

The existence of acetylene impurities in ethylene feedstock is harmful to downstream polymerization reactions. The removal of acetylene can be achieved via semihydrogenation reaction, which is normally catalyzed by Pd-based catalysts...
J ZhaoR MuZJ Zhao , ... -  《Journal of Physi...  -  被引量:  0  -  2018年
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Novel mutations in WEE2: Expanding the spectrum of mutations responsible for human fertilization failure

Successful fertilization is fundamental for sexual reproduction. After undergoing a series of molecular and morphological changes, the haploid sperm fus...
... J MuZhao, JunliZhao, Lin , ... -  《Clinical Genetics》  -  被引量:  0  -  2019年

Multi-pose ear recognition based on locally linear embedding

Multi-pose ear recognition is a challenging problem in ear recognition technology,and it has not received sufficient attention.In this paper,on the basi...
ZX XieMU Zhi-ChunJJ Xie  -  《Caai Transaction...  -  被引量:  14  -  2008年

Novel mutations in WEE2 WEE2 : Expanding the spectrum of mutations responsible for human fertilization failure

Successful fertilization is fundamental for sexual reproduction. After undergoing a series of molecular and morphological changes, the haploid sperm fus...

Detection polymorphism of the meat major gene of the Junmu No.1 white pig

Pork quality is a quantity trait,which is controlled by several major genes and many candicate genes.In order to detect the polymorphism of meat quality...
... W ZhaoDL WangZH Zhao , ... -  《Chinese Journal ...  -  被引量:  2  -  2011年


目的 评价虹膜自动跟踪联合Contoura矫正低中度近视伴角膜不规则散光的安全性和有效性.方法 前瞻性队列研究.选择2017年1月至8月在我院行近视激光治疗的患者30例(60...
... YUAN Mu-ZhiSU Huan-JunJIANG Li-Jun  -  《眼科新进展》  -  被引量:  0  -  2019年

Trivalent actinide and lanthanide separations by tetradentate nitrogen ligands: a quantum chemistry study.

Although a variety of tetradentate ligands, 6,6'-bis(5,6-dialkyl-1,2,4-triazin-3-yl)-2,2'-bipyridines (BTBPs), have been proved as effective ligands for...
... WQ ShiLY YuanYL Zhao , ... -  《Inorganic Chemis...  -  被引量:  100  -  2011年
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Finite Element Analysis of Five-Axis Gantry Milling Machine Main Structure

In order to improve the structural performance of a five-axis gantry milling machine, a design idea of adopting parallel optimum design for key componen...
Y GuanY ZhaoD Mu , ... -  International Con...  -  被引量:  11  -  2010年

Magneto-and pedo-stratigraphy of paleosol-loess sequences in the Lanzhou Basin:Evidence for evolution of Huang He

Results of magnetopedostratigraphic study of three sections of loess in the LanzhouBasin are significant. (1) The oldest aeolian loess deposited on pedi...
LI Ji-JunB ZhangZJ Zhao  -  《科学通报(英文版)》  -  被引量:  39  -  1999年

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