
您是不是要找: 64. british army office

The ISI was the brainchild of Australian-born British Army officer, Major Genera

Pittsburgh: RoseDog Books. ISBN 0805995943. Jan, Abid Ullah (2006). From BCCI to ISI: TheSaga of Entrapment Continues. Ottawa: Pragmatic Publishing. ISB...
D GeneralC HamidM Cawthome  -  《Criticalppp Com》  -  被引量:  0

Sternal fracture in a female army officer cadet.

Sternal fracture in a female army officer cadet.doi:10.1136/BJSM.31.2.164I McCurdieJ EtheringtonN BuchananBMJ GroupBulletin - British Association of Sport and MedicineMcCurdie I, Etherington J, Buchanan N. Sternal fracture in a female...
I MccurdieJ EtheringtonN Buchanan  -  Bulletin - Britis...  -  被引量:  0  -  1997年

Sternal fracture in a female army officer cadet

Etherington, JBuchanan, NBritish Journal of Sports MedicineMcCurdie I, Etherington J, Buchanan N (1997) Sternal fracture in a female army officer cadet...
I MccurdieJ EtheringtonN Buchanan  -  British Journal ...  -  被引量:  9  -  1997年
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The British Army - Army Officer to represent Great Britain at the 2012 Games

British Army Captain, Heather Stanning, has been selected to compete as a member of the Great Britain Rowing Team at the London Olympics.
TB Army 被引量:  0

The British Army - Award for Officer who closed Afghan bases

An Army officer who delivered base closures while maintaining their operational capability in Afghanistan is to be awarded the QCVS.
TB Army 被引量:  0

The British Army - Army Officer wins first Gold for Great Britain

British Army Captain Heather Stanning and teammate Helen Glover win Britain's first gold medal of the Games in the women's coxless pair rowing.
TB Army 被引量:  0

The British Army - Officer to be recognised for African mission

Officer to become an Officer of The Order of The British Empire (OBE) in recognition of his work to support the African Union Mission in Somalia.
TB Army 被引量:  0

The British Army - Officer Training Corps

Officer Training Corps in the 42 North West Brigade area
TB Army 被引量:  0

The British Army - Officer

Officers in the Royal Signals are leaders and highly skilled professionals who are well versed in the ways of modern combat and warfare
TB Army 被引量:  0

The British Army - Officer training

The British Army - Officer trainingdoi:http://www.army.mod.ukOfficer trainingThe British ArmyThe British Army
TB Army 被引量:  0

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