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Medical Devices; general and plastic surgery devices; classification of contact cooling system for aesthetic use. Final rule

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is classifying the contact cooling system for aesthetic use into class II (special controls). The special control...
FD Administration  -  《Federal Register》  -  被引量:  2  -  2011年

Editor of new england journal of medicine departs

The editor in chief of the New England Journal of Medicine has left his job in a dispute over plans by the journal's publisher to use the journal's name...
Gottlieb  -  《Bmj》  -  被引量:  1  -  2019年
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Duplicated alpha-chain genes in Hopkins-2 haemoglobin of man and evidence for unequal crossing over between them

Nature is the international weekly journal of science: a magazine style journal that publishes full-length research papers in all disciplines of science...
W,OstertagG,von EhrensteinS,Charache  -  《Nature New Biology》  -  被引量:  1  -  2019年
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Measurement of single-cell dynamics

Populations of cells are almost always heterogeneous in function and fate. To understand the plasticity of cells, it is vital to measure quantitatively and dynamically the molecular processes that underlie cell-fate decisions in singl...
DG SpillerCD WoodDA Rand , ... -  《Nature》  -  被引量:  0  -  2018年

Preventing blood-borne virus infection in people who inject drugs in the UK: systematic review, stakeholder interviews, psychosocial...

BACKGROUND: Opioid substitution therapy and needle exchanges have reduced blood-borne viruses (BBVs) among people who inject drugs (PWID). Some PWID continue to share injecting equipment. OBJECTIVES: To develop an evidence-based psych...
G GilchristD SwanA Shaw , ... -  《Health Technol A...  -  被引量:  0  -  2021年
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Predicted impact of intravenous thrombolysis on prognosis of general population of stroke patients: simulation model

Jorgensen HS,Nakayama H,Kammersgaard LP,et al.Predicted impact of intravenous thrombolysis on prognosis of general population of stroke patients: simula...
HS JrgensenH, NakayamaLP Kammersgaard , ... -  《Bmj》  -  被引量:  0  -  2019年

[图书]  历代名家评注史记集说 . 卷四十一至卷七十二 . 第三册

卷四十一至卷七十二 . 第三册三秦出版社程馀庆高益荣赵光勇张新科高益荣. 历代名家评注史记集说[M].西安:三秦出版社,2011.程馀庆. 历代名家评注史记集说[M]...
程馀庆高益荣赵光勇 , ... -  三秦出版社  -  被引量:  8  -  2011年

[图书]  云南省志 卷七十二 体育志

云南省志 卷七十二 体育志云南省地方志编纂委员会云南省志 卷七十二 体育志[M].1994,12.云南省志卷七十二体育志[M].1994,12.
云南省地方志编纂委员会  -  云南人民出版社  -  被引量:  2  -  1994年

[图书]  云南省志.卷七十二,体育志

云南省地方志编纂委员会总纂  -  云南人民出版社  -  被引量:  1  -  1994年

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