161、 开方表一卷 对数表四卷 光绪中 江南制造局 刊排印本

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162、 句股六术一卷 光绪中 江南制造局 刊排印本

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164、 周髀算経 明刊本

旧蔵者 林家(大学头)...


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168、 历代正闰考 : 四卷

Manuscript In case Also available in digital form 页438-439 提要35字 九行二十一字 Nine lines, with twenty-one characters per line Study of the calendar, covering the period from Western Jin Dynasty to Sui Dynasty; because the forbidden character qing...


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169、 大清康熙六十二年岁次癸卯时宪历 : 一卷 清康熙六十二年刻本

Da Qing Kangxi wu shi ba nian shi xian li | Kangxi shi xian li :Preface reads, "National calendar almanac, made by the Astronomy Officer under the order of the Emperor; anyone making an unauthorized copy will be decapitated; one who reports...


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170、 大清康熙五十八年岁次己亥时宪历 : 一卷 清康熙五十八年刻本

Da Qing Kangxi wu shi ba nian shi xian li | Kangxi shi xian li :Preface reads, "National calendar almanac, made by the Astronomy Officer under the order of the Emperor; anyone making an unauthorized copy will be decapitated; one who reports...


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171、 大明嘉靖三年岁次甲申大统历 : 一卷 明嘉靖三年刻本

Ming Jiajing san nian li shu | Da Ming Jiajing san nian da tong liPostscript reads, "National calendar almanac, made by the Astronomy Officer under the order of the Emperor; anyone making an unauthorized copy will be decapitated" ...


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172、 筭学启蒙述义 : 三卷

Caption title In case "QA"--Cover Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Gift of the Chinese Government 十行十九大字 栏小字十九字 Ten lines, with nineteen large characters, and paired lines of nineteen small characters per l...


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173、 兼济堂纂刻梅勿菴先生历算全书 清雍正元年刻本

Li suan quan shuIn 4 cases Title from caption Feng mian juan "xuan cheng mei ding jiu xian sheng zhu li suan quan shu bai xiang Wei nian ting ji kan Yongzheng yuan nian juan " Kuang 19 3 x13 5 gong fen, quan shu gao 24 2 kuan x 15 9 gong fe...


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174、 大清康熙九年岁次庚戌时宪历 : 一卷 清康熙九年刻本

Da Qing Kangxi jiu nian shi xian li | Kangxi shi xian li :Incomplete; preface states, "Calendar almanac, made by the Astronomy Officer under the order of the Emperor Kangxi" ...


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175、 历象考成 : 十六卷 清光緖二十一年湖北官书处刻本

Yu zhi li xiang kao chengIn case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Gift of the Chinese Government 九行二十字 序五行十一字 Main text, nine lines, with twenty characters per line; preface: five lines, with eleven charact...


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176、 象宗书 : 四卷 旧钞本

Once widely circulated among Muslims, the text is now scarce ...


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177、 几何原本 : 六卷 明万历三十九年增订本

The mathematical and geometric treatise "Elements", originally written by Euclid in ca 300 B C , was orally translated by Matteo Ricci and then supplemented and written in Chinese by Xu Guangqi ...


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178、 格致草 : 六卷 清顺治间刻函宇通本

The section concerning astronomy in the text was printed shortly after the introduction of Western astronomy to China; volume 1 concerned the principles of movement of stars; volume 2 introduced the orbits of the sun, moon, planets and star...


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