1、 囘疆通志 钞本

Manuscript Title from cover In case 无版匡栏格 白口 无鱼尾 9 行 18-19 字 小字双行 24 9 x 20 1 cm 公分 淡黄纸 Nine lines, with eighteen or nineteen characters per line, and small characters in paired lines "南满洲铁道株式会社东亚经济调查局藏书之印"--Seal on cover of each volume Ori...


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2、 濮镇纪闻 : 四卷 钞本

Volume 1 includes a preface by Zhao You dated 1787, summary and contents; volume 2, brief biographical sketches; volume 3, biographies; volume 4, poems describing local customs, and reference materials ...


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3、 阳山志 : 三卷

The introduction by the author, dated 1530, states that there was also a woodblock edition extant at that time ...


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5、 囘疆通志 钞本

Manuscript Title from cover In case Characters written in faintly defined squares 四周单边 白口 无鱼尾 8 行 20 字 小字双行 匡高18 5宽13 5 全书高23 4宽16 0 公分 淡黄纸 Eight lines, with twenty characters per line, and small characters in paired lines 无书名叶, 无序跋, 无叶码 正楷...


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6、 新定九域志 : 十卷, 卷首 钞本

Jiu yu zhiThere were two versions of this work in the Song Dynasty: the original version, compiled in ca 1078-1085, presented to the Emperor, and recorded in the "Si ku quan shu"; and this, the popular version, edited and with supplements i...


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7、 昌瑞山万年统志 : 上函八卷, 下函八卷, 卷首 精钞本

Memorials to the throne and official reports of the Eight Banners and the Green Battalion ...


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9、 大元大一统志 : 残存九卷 民国十年钞校本

Manuscript In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 民国十年钞校本 无栏格 白口 全书高32 6宽20 0公分 十行二十字 Ten lines, with twenty characters per line 原题:“奏进集贤大学士资善大夫同知宣徽院事臣孛兰盻 昭文馆大学士中奉大夫秘书监臣岳铉等上进 ”按此本录自瞿氏铁琴铜剑楼钞本 载瞿目卷十一页五凡存均州 ...


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10、 苗蛮图册页 : 不分卷 清乾隆五十一年墨书彩绘本

Preface by Fangting says that the work was initiated when he began his duties as an official in Qian (Guizhou) in the year 1784; color paintings on the right leaf, annotation of local customs on the left leaf; paintings show the differing c...


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11、 震泽编 : 八卷 钞本

Manuscript In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 钞本 无栏匡界格 全书高30 4宽20 7公分 八行二十字 Eight lines, with twenty characters per line 原题:“西洞庭蔡昇辑 东洞庭王鏊修” 杨循吉(序)弘治十八年(1505) 按是书卷三有 蔡昇传 云:“字景东 博涉书史 工诗赋 具区百咏 流传于时 所著有 太...


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12、 罗平州志 : 四卷 钞本

Originally a woodblock print from 1718 None of the compilers of this edition lived during the period of the Qianlong Emperor; however, the date recorded in this edition may be as late as Qianlong 20, or 1755 The handwriting of the transcrip...


更多: 国图 国图▪文津 万方数据 新华文摘 万方学术-重庆图书馆 Worldcat 维普网 抗日战争与近代中日关系文献数据平台

13、 宁夏出差日记 : 一卷 清道光间蓝格稿本

Cover title Handwritten manuscript In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site March 13, 1950 0653J 佚名撰 清道光间蓝格稿本 四周双边 白口 蓝双鱼尾 匡高17 3宽16 8公分 黄纸 钤印"6 Copy___" 十二行十九至二十二字 Twelve lines, with between nineteen and t...


更多: 中国县志大全 籍合网 新华文摘 国图▪文津 万方数据 京东 维普网

14、 热河志略 : 二卷 清钞本

Ms In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 清钞本 无版匡文字部分高17 3宽13 6公分 九行二十字 Nine lines, with twenty characters per line 清和宁撰 按是书无刻本 自序谓:“检志书所载廷议所陈撮其大纲约为二卷庶便稽览勿致愆忘于兹编是赖焉” 自序 嘉庆二十年(1815) ...


更多: 中国县志大全 万方学术-重庆图书馆 知网万方 籍合网 新华文摘 统计年鉴分享平台 抗日战争与近代中日关系文献数据平台 全国报刊索引 维普网 国图 上海图书馆 Worldcat 孔夫子旧书网 万方数据 京东 国图▪文津

15、 西域记事 : 不分卷 钞本

Xiyu jiConcerns customs of residents and military deployment in what is now the Xinjiang Region; preface dated December 1777; preserved by the Military Government of Kuche (Kuqa) ...


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16、 回疆纪略 : 不分卷 钞本

Collection of memorials to the throne dated from September 4, 1831 to July 20, 1836, written by various officials, and concerning military affairs and cultivation programs in the northwest border regions located in what today is Xinjiang Sh...


更多: 维普网 国图▪文津 籍合网 万方学术-重庆图书馆 知网万方 国图 抗日战争与近代中日关系文献数据平台 中国县志大全 全国报刊索引 Worldcat 孔夫子旧书网

17、 云林县采访册 : 不分卷 1901-1919年朱栏写本

Manuscript In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site October 10, 1950 9500H 1901-1919年朱栏写本 四周双边 白口 无鱼尾 版匡高19 8宽12 8公分 淡黄纸 十一行二十四至二十七字 Eleven lines, with between twenty-four and twenty-seven characters per li...


更多: 万方数据 万方学术-重庆图书馆 国图▪文津 中国县志大全 全国报刊索引 统计年鉴分享平台

18、 广舆图 : 不分卷 钞本

Manuscript Title from spine of case In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Gift Arthur W Hummel 1937 (明) 佚名撰 Ming Dynasty; author unknown 红格旧钞本 四周单栏 白口 无鱼尾 版匡高23 2宽15 3公分 行字均不等 Number of lines and charact...


更多: 国图 统计年鉴分享平台 万方数据 国图▪文津 万方学术-重庆图书馆

19、 越中杂识 : 二卷 清乾隆间钞本

Ms In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 1934 清乾隆间钞本 无栏格版匡 白口 全书高25 6宽16 4公分 十行二十四字 Ten lines, with twenty-four characters per line 函脊题"越中杂识" 无书名叶 版心上题"越中杂识" 中题门类 下题叶码 卷上叶一额题"越中杂识" 下署"西吴悔堂老人录" 卷前有自序 末署"乾...


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20、 异域琐谈 : 四卷 清嘉庆四年重录钞本

Concerns the customs of the peoples and the military affairs of the Western Border Regions; inscription on title page notes that this edition was revised in 1799 ...


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