142、 两江疏草 清康熙二十八年[1689] 董讷 刻本

版本书目史注:十行二十字白口左右双边单鱼尾 现有藏本附注:存十九卷:吏集二卷全、户集一卷全、礼集一卷全、兵集卷一至卷七、刑集六卷全、工集二卷全国家图书馆...


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143、 抚津疏草 明天启[1621-1627] 刻本

版本书目史注:九行十九字白口四周单边单鱼尾 现有藏本附注:国家图书馆...


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145、 饷抚疏草 明天启[1621-1627] 刻本

版本书目史注:九行十九字白口四周单边单鱼尾 现有藏本附注:国家图书馆...


更多: 国图▪文津 京东 国图 孔夫子旧书网 上海图书馆 抗日战争与近代中日关系文献数据平台 Worldcat 中国县志大全

146、 宋特进左丞相许国公奏议 : 四卷 旧钞本

Xu Guogong zou yiMs In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 旧钞本 无版匡栏格 全书高27 9宽17 5公分 九行十八字 Nine lines, with eighteen characters per line 宋吴潜撰 潜字毅夫 宣州宁国人 封许国公 卷内题:“裔孙斗 祥 男开桢开模同辑” 又有:“光绪戊子湖州陆心源捐送国子 监之书匮藏南学” ...


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147、 张祥河奏稿 : 不分卷 清咸丰间红格钞本

Collection of memorials from Zhang Xianghe to Emperor Xianfeng, sent each month during the year 1853, the year when Zhang was promoted from Governor of Shanxi Province to serve in the capital Only eight volumes of material from that year we...


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148、 王文端奏疏 : 四卷, 诗集二卷, 尺牍八卷 明万历间刻本

Wang Wenrui gong jiAlso available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site January 12, 1940 576337 原题:“山阴对南王家屏著 定襄门人傅新德校 ”按四库存目即据此本着录 提要云:“千顷堂书目作复宿山房集 凡四十卷今未见传本” 按复宿山房集原本罕见 今有民国十七年山西民治学主排印本 沈珣(序)[奏疏] 盛以弘(序)万历四十年 (1612) [诗集] 韩爌(序)...


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149、 国朝诸臣奏议 : 一百五十卷 (缺五十卷) 宋淳祐间史季温刻元大德前印本

Song chao zhu chen zou yiThe essay "Jin shu zha zi" was written in 1186; preface by Shi Jiwen dated 1250 ...


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150、 丝纶录 : 六卷

Wanli si lun luCollection of imperial edicts to the six ministries from 1573 to 1614; compiled by Zhou Yongchun ...


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151、 辞谢录 : 四卷. 附杨文忠公传 : 一卷

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 部分墨色浅淡 十一行十八字 Eleven lines, with eighteen characters per line 明杨廷和撰 按四库全书着录杨文忠公三录七卷 提要云:是编名为三录 实则题奏前录一卷 题奏后录一卷 视草余录一卷 辞谢录四卷 凡四种” 此本仅存辞谢录四卷 末附项德桢撰杨文忠公传一卷 其子慎等所撰行状一卷 传...


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153、 文肃王公奏草 : 二十三卷 明万历间刻本

Wang Wensu zou caoIn case Also available in digital form 明万历间刻本 Ming Dynasty woodblock print, printed in 1622 九行十八字 Nine lines, with eighteen characters per line 原题:“光禄大夫少保兼太子太保吏部尚书建极殿大学士王锡爵著 翰林院编修男衡汇辑 尚宝司司丞孙男时敏校梓” 锡爵字元糊 号荆石 太仓人 官至建极殿大学士 口文...


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154、 江采伯奏疏

Zou shuIn case; title from label on spine of case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 九行二十字 版匡高20 4 宽12 9公分 Nine lines, with twenty characters per line One volume; preface by Jin Dejia dated 1690; preface by W...


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155、 督府奏议 : 十六卷

Zhi fu zou yiAlso available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 八册二函 Eight volumes in two cases 十行二十字 Ten lines, twenty Chinese characters This book was compiled and recorded in the catalogue of Tian yi ge as Du fu zou shu w...


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156、 熙朝奏议 : 六卷

Officially a banned books in the Qing Dynasty; and therefore not recorded in Si ku quan shu zong mu It was named Xi chao zou yi according to the title on the cover of Wei ai shu mu However, the book appears under several different titles; f...


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157、 罗山奏疏 : 七卷 明嘉靖间刻本

Zhang Wenzhong gong Fujing zou gaoThe calligraphy and writings of Zhang Fujing; content organized chronologically from 1506 to 1536; the edition dates from the Jiajing Period, based on Deng Zicheng s note and seal ...


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158、 总督奏议 : 六卷 清康熙间刊本

Li zong du zou yiIn case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 九行二十字 Nine lines, with twenty characters per line 清康熙间刊本 版匡高18 8 宽13 0公分 钤印1:"美国国会图书馆藏"朱文长方印 Reports to the throne collected between 1654 and 1660; ...


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159、 赵文华奏疏 : 一卷

Zhao Wenhua ping wo zou shuCollection of official reports to the Emperor concerning suppression of Japanese invaders written by Zhao Wenhua in the Jiajing period (1522-1566 A D ) The twenty-eight reports address sea-worship, assignment of o...


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160、 西台奏疏 : 二卷 明末刻本

Wang Xiangheng zou shuTwo chapters; because a title is lacking, one cannot know whether this compilation of memorials to the throne represents a complete record Memorials recorded herein date from August 1616, when the author, Wang Xianghen...


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