21、 泾川吴氏统宗族谱 : 五卷 明万历间刻本

Wu shi jia cheng | Jingchuan Wu shi zong puMicrofilm Washington, D C : Library of Congress Photoduplication Service 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm Removed from DCLO95-B230 yb01 2007-02-28 明万历间刻本 四周双栏 白口 白单鱼尾 原本匡高25 5宽15 8公分 十行二十二字 Ten lines, with...


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22、 法喜志 : 四卷, 续志四卷 明万历34年(1606)江阴夏氏清远楼刻本

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site December 8, 1939 576337 八册二函 Eight volumes in two cases 明万历34年(1606)江阴夏氏清远楼刻本 四周单栏 白口 单鱼尾 版匡高18 4宽12 0公分 七行十六字 Seven lines, with sixteen characters per line 原题:“冰莲道人...


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23、 休邑敉宁刘氏文支谱 : 十三卷

Mining Liu shi ben zhi pu | Xiu yi mi ning Liu shi ben zhi puThe original inscription notes that the book was compiled by the nineteenth generation grandson Liu Hao; prefaces by Yu Ji dated 1311 and by Zhu Sheng dated 1370; also prefaces by...


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24、 新安毕氏族谱 : 十七卷

In case Also available in digital form 页260-261 提要400字 述毕族传承及本书谨严之体例 又云是谱仅刷印百余 十二行二十五字 小字双行 Twelve lines, with twenty-five characters per line, and paired lines of small characters 明毕蕙毕兰毕济川等撰 详"执事名氏"叶 其事迹详谱内 按新安毕氏 迁自河南 故以偃师毕憬为不迁之祖 景于唐垂拱间 仕贝...


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25、 刻汉唐宋名臣录 : 五卷 明万历间刻本

Han Tang Song ming chen luRecord of famous officials who lived prior to the Ming Dynasty; Huang Qishi s preface states that compiler Li Tingji believed that their accomplishments were rarely recorded; included are a total of 60 officials: 1...


更多: 孔夫子旧书网 京东 万方数据 统计年鉴分享平台 维普网 知网万方 国图 国图▪文津 万方学术-重庆图书馆 抗日战争与近代中日关系文献数据平台 Worldcat 上海图书馆 全国报刊索引 籍合网 新华文摘 中国县志大全

26、 仕国人文 : 十二卷

Lectures and essays on culture, politics, literature and eminent persons, written by scholars from Shanxi Province, dating from Tang Yu through the Ming Dynasty ...


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27、 本朝京省人物考 : 一百十五卷

Ben chao fen sheng ren wu kao | Guo chao jing sheng fen jun ren wu kaoAlso available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 原本九十六卷十二函 Original volume, ninety-six volumes in twelve cases 十行二十字 Ten lines, with twenty characters p...


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28、 夷齐志 : 六卷

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 九行二十字 Nine lines, with twenty characters per line 原题:“兵科给事中前庶吉士郡人 白瑜纂修 知府直商丘曹代萧总订 同知朝邑王皡如 通判石楼李如宝 上思林瑞芝 婺源江一蔚 推官亳州王之屏 卢龙县知县鄞县叶世英校阅 贡士韩师范庠生崔斗寅采辑” 按此本卷五载项良梓等谒夷齐庙诗 考良梓任...


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29、 陋巷志 : 八卷 明万历间原刻本

Originally compiled by Yan Yinzuo; revised and printed by Yang Guangxun when he was in Shandong ...


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30、 浦江郑氏旌义编 : 二卷 明宣德三年郑楷重纂书种堂刻本

Jing yi bianRecord of the Zheng family; preface by Song Lian dated 1378; revision Zheng Kai dated 1428 ...


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31、 吴门袁氏家谱 : 八卷 清光緖二十五年修民国八年石印本

An important supplement to Yuan Tingtao s genealogical research on the Yuan family in the Qianlong period ...


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32、 人寿金鉴 : 二十二卷

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Gift of the Chinese Government 十一行二十四字 双行小字 Twelve lines with twenty-four characters per line; also double rows of small characters ...


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33、 苏米谭史广 : 六卷

Also available in digital form 原题:“宣城肩吾郭化辑 有道徐日昌阅 海阳日从胡正言校”是编凡东坡谭史广四卷 南宫谭史广二卷 按存目着录本尚有苏米史各一卷 序署万历三十九年 此本为增广谭史而作 封回署:“十竹斋藏板” 不着年月 以前编刻于万历三十九年推之 此本当刻于天启间 序文凡十六篇 如何伟然氏等 必皆宣城人 与化同邑里 张一绅序云:一日游白门 晤于日从斋头 从旁询姓名 知为肩吾氏 相与抵掌而谭 如锋谭剌 令人惊怖 乃知其气类 此书剞劂精雅 疏...


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34、 女才子传 : 十卷, 首卷一卷 清道光间刻本

According to the preface, the essays are based on true events and express the author s perspective on life, with odd stories and anecdotes concerning traditional women, while classic and famous women were not mentioned ...


更多: Worldcat 孔夫子旧书网 万方学术-重庆图书馆 万方数据 上海图书馆 京东 中国县志大全 国图▪文津 籍合网 维普网 新华文摘 国图 抗日战争与近代中日关系文献数据平台 全国报刊索引 统计年鉴分享平台

35、 安徽袖珎同官录 : 四卷 清宣统三年春季藩经历司铅印本

Anhui tong guan luIn case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site November 3, 1939 553609 清宣统三年春季藩经历司铅印本 四周双边 白口 黑单鱼尾 匡高15 7宽10 0 公分 黄纸 十行字数不等 Ten lines; number of characters per line varies 书名叶正中题"安徽袖珎同官录" 背面牌记题"...


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36、 安鼎名臣 : 七卷 明崇祯间刻本

Anding ming chen luIn case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site November 23, 1938 543271 明崇祯间刻本 四周单栏 白口 黑单鱼尾 匡高22 2宽12 8公分 八行二十字 注小字双行四字 Eight lines, with twenty characters per line; notes in small charcters in...


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37、 皖江同官录 : 不分卷 清同治十年安徽藩经历司刻本

Wan Sheng tong guan lu | Anhui tong guan luIn case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site November 2, 1939 553609 清同治十年安徽藩经历司刻本 四周双边 白口 黑单鱼尾 匡高21 1宽13 9 公分 黄纸 上下分栏 八行每行字不等 Eight lines in both the upper and lower ...


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38、 朱子年谱 : 四卷, 附考异四卷, 附录二卷

In case Number of lines varies throughout the text Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Gift of the Chinese Government 魏了翁序 ...


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40、 仲志 : 四卷 明刻清印本

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site December 8, 1939 576337 明刻清印本 四周双栏 白口 黑单鱼尾 版匡高21 8宽14 0公分(卷一图 此据卷二叶一) 全书高27 2宽16 6公分;卷一绘图像 九行十九字 Nine lines, with nineteen characters per line Originally compiled by...


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