1、 汪氏世纪 : 不分卷 明嘉靖间刻本

Composed by Wang Huohui, the seventy-eighth generation grandson in the Wang family; he wrote the preface in 1550; later prefaced by Wang Daokun in 1551 ...


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2、 东方先生类语 : 十六卷 明万历间刻本

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site January 11, 1940 580875 明万历间刻本 左右双边 白口 黑单鱼尾 版匡高19 7宽12 2公分 九行十八字 Nine lines, with eighteen characters per line 原题:“明海盐朱维陛辑次” 卷内有:“尚古堂” “天涯老” “荩卿”等印记 自序万历四十二年(1614) 李...


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3、 人寿金鉴 : 二十二卷

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Gift of the Chinese Government 十一行二十四字 双行小字 Twelve lines with twenty-four characters per line; also double rows of small characters ...


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4、 吴门袁氏家谱 : 八卷 清光緖二十五年修民国八年石印本

An important supplement to Yuan Tingtao s genealogical research on the Yuan family in the Qianlong period ...


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5、 夷齐志 : 六卷

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 九行二十字 Nine lines, with twenty characters per line 原题:“兵科给事中前庶吉士郡人 白瑜纂修 知府直商丘曹代萧总订 同知朝邑王皡如 通判石楼李如宝 上思林瑞芝 婺源江一蔚 推官亳州王之屏 卢龙县知县鄞县叶世英校阅 贡士韩师范庠生崔斗寅采辑” 按此本卷五载项良梓等谒夷齐庙诗 考良梓任...


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6、 本朝京省人物考 : 一百十五卷

Ben chao fen sheng ren wu kao | Guo chao jing sheng fen jun ren wu kaoAlso available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 原本九十六卷十二函 Original volume, ninety-six volumes in twelve cases 十行二十字 Ten lines, with twenty characters p...


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7、 皇明名臣记 : 三十卷 明隆庆间刻本

Ming chen jiAlso available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site "吾学编第二十二 " 十册二函 Ten volumes in two cases 明隆庆间刻本 左右双栏 白口 黑单鱼尾 匡高18 4宽13 2公分 全书高24 9宽16 1公分 十行十九字 Ten lines, with nineteen characters per line 明郑晓撰 晓字窒甫 海盐人 嘉靖癸未进士...


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8、 马氏家谱 : 不分卷

In case 九行二十一字 Nine lines, with twenty-one characters per line 纸质其脆弱 LC 有microfilm control no 238 (Soong, p 44); LCCN 2007551747 是编收集辽阳马鸣佩及其子雄镇孙世济曾孙国桢事迹 冠以诰谕祭文 恤典行述 并附鸣佩燕誉堂遗稿 雄镇击笏楼遗稿 世济务本斋賸藁 国桢承恩堂賸藁 四代事迹 记载颇详 实可与正史相参证 而补其阙遗 此为马氏家藏孤本 至可宝也 封页...


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9、 国史馆功臣传 : 十卷 红格钞本

Ms Title from cover In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site April 28, 1950 1229J03 函脊号1645签条号28 钤印"6 Copy___" 钤印有"那哈塔氏"朱文方印和朱文椭圆印各一枚 "吟秋山馆"朱文长方印 红格钞本 四周双边 白口 红单鱼尾 匡高18 6宽11 7公分 淡黄纸 七行十七字 Seven lines, with ...


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10、 寿者传 : 三卷

Although Chen Maoren is cited as author, the "Si ku quan shu zong mu" declared that the six chapters he composed are not found in this work; included are sixty-two biographies and a poem praising each person: twenty-seven Emperors in the fi...


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11、 清史列传稿 : 八卷 清内府钞稿本

Qing dai lie zhuanVery similar to Guo shi lie zhuan which was produced by Dong fang xue hui (Institute of Eastern Culture); both versions include twelve biographies; content of this version is more detailed; there are slight variations in t...


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12、 浙江山阴白鱼潭张氏族谱 : 六卷 明原稿本

This record of the Zhang family was revised four times during the Ming Dynasty; volumes 1-2 show family trees; volumes 3-4 give biographies of family members; volume 5 concerns Imperial orders; volume 6 includes memorials to the throne ...


更多: Worldcat 万方学术-重庆图书馆 籍合网 知网万方 抗日战争与近代中日关系文献数据平台 国图▪文津 新华文摘 国图

13、 休邑敉宁刘氏文支谱 : 十三卷

Mining Liu shi ben zhi pu | Xiu yi mi ning Liu shi ben zhi puThe original inscription notes that the book was compiled by the nineteenth generation grandson Liu Hao; prefaces by Yu Ji dated 1311 and by Zhu Sheng dated 1370; also prefaces by...


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14、 马要沈氏族谱 : 七卷 明万历间刻本

Wuxing Mayao Shen shi zu pu | Ma yao Shen shi zu puAccording to the text, the Shen family of Mayao was prominent in Wuxing between the Song Dynasty and the late sixteenth century ...


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15、 守泽汇编 : 不分卷

Manuscript Cover title Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 十二册三函 Twelve volumes in three cases 八行十八字 Eight lines, with eighteen characters per line 按此即近人吴重憙所辑海丰吴氏世德录原稿本也 重憙为式分次子 留心家乘既先后刻其先人遗书 复辑吴氏诗文存及是书 冀相辅而行 ...


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16、 安徽同官录 : 不分卷, [附安徽省城各学堂局所员绅职名表] 清光緖三十三年安徽藩经历司铅印本

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site November 2, 1939 553609 清光緖三十三年安徽藩经历司铅印本 四周双边 白口 黑双鱼尾 匡高18 6宽11 9 公分 黄纸 行字不等 Number of lines and characters per line varies 书名叶正中及封面签题"安徽同官录" 背面牌记题"光緖丁未(三十三年 1907)安徽...


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17、 诸儒述概天集 : 二十四卷

Fifty-seven scholars recorded herein, all from the Song Dynasty except Dong Zhongshu, Wang Tong and Han Yu, who lived earlier; however, such Song scholars as Zhu Xi and Lu Jiuyuan are not included ...


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18、 新编博物策会 : 十七卷 明万历元年翻刻本

Includes one hundred thirty-six pieces; first printed in Guanzhaong and reprinted in Zhejiang ...


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19、 仲志 : 四卷 明刻清印本

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site December 8, 1939 576337 明刻清印本 四周双栏 白口 黑单鱼尾 版匡高21 8宽14 0公分(卷一图 此据卷二叶一) 全书高27 2宽16 6公分;卷一绘图像 九行十九字 Nine lines, with nineteen characters per line Originally compiled by...


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20、 阙里志 : 八卷, 首图一卷 明嘉靖四十三年刻本

Ming ban Queli zhiIncludes illustrations of Confucian figures, landscapes, and musical instruments ...


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