41、 回疆纪略 : 不分卷 钞本

Collection of memorials to the throne dated from September 4, 1831 to July 20, 1836, written by various officials, and concerning military affairs and cultivation programs in the northwest border regions located in what today is Xinjiang Sh...


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42、 西域记事 : 不分卷 钞本

Xiyu jiConcerns customs of residents and military deployment in what is now the Xinjiang Region; preface dated December 1777; preserved by the Military Government of Kuche (Kuqa) ...


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43、 寿者传 : 三卷

Although Chen Maoren is cited as author, the "Si ku quan shu zong mu" declared that the six chapters he composed are not found in this work; included are sixty-two biographies and a poem praising each person: twenty-seven Emperors in the fi...


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44、 清史列传稿 : 八卷 清内府钞稿本

Qing dai lie zhuanVery similar to Guo shi lie zhuan which was produced by Dong fang xue hui (Institute of Eastern Culture); both versions include twelve biographies; content of this version is more detailed; there are slight variations in t...


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45、 浙江山阴白鱼潭张氏族谱 : 六卷 明原稿本

This record of the Zhang family was revised four times during the Ming Dynasty; volumes 1-2 show family trees; volumes 3-4 give biographies of family members; volume 5 concerns Imperial orders; volume 6 includes memorials to the throne ...


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46、 阳谷县志 : 八卷, 卷首

Additional postscript by Gao Hongcai dated Guangxu 29 [1903] recorded the reasons that he collected four Shandong gazetteers, including this one ...


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47、 霞漪阁校订史纲评要 : 三十六卷 明万历间刻本

Shi gang ping yaoAlso available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site December 7, 1938 538662 三十六册四函 Thirty-six volumes in four cases 明万历间刻本 左右双栏 白口 黑单鱼尾 匡高20 5宽13 1公分 九行十八字 Nine lines, with eighteen characters per line 原题:“明温...


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49、 德州志 : 十卷

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site July 14, 1933 440206 版本参据 中国地方志联合目录 , p 259 框20 9 x 15 4公分, 9行20字, 白口, 四周双边, 单黑鱼尾 版心上镌书名, 中镌卷次及细目 康熙十二年金祖彭"重修德州志序" 责任者参据"目录" 钤印三:"潍高翰生收辑山东全省府州县志印记"白文方印 "南涧居士"朱文方印 "李...


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51、 虎丘山图志 : 一卷, 诗文三卷 明万历间刻本

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site July 7, 1950 1600J 明万历间刻本 左右双栏 图志下黑口(间有白口)诗文白口 黑单鱼尾 版匡高19 8宽13 1公分 黄纸; 钤印有"雨山艸堂"朱文长方印, "申灏之印"朱文方印, "伯容氏"白文方印 八行十九字 Eight lines, with nineteen characters per line 函脊号...


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52、 剿贼图记 : 一卷 明刻孤本

An account of suppression of bandits, covering the period from March 1633 to April 1635; preface dated 1634 ...


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53、 万历疏钞 : 十二卷 明万历三十七年万全刻本

Shu chaoDivided into thirteen topics, covering the period from 1572 to 1608 in the Ming Dynasty ...


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54、 休邑敉宁刘氏文支谱 : 十三卷

Mining Liu shi ben zhi pu | Xiu yi mi ning Liu shi ben zhi puThe original inscription notes that the book was compiled by the nineteenth generation grandson Liu Hao; prefaces by Yu Ji dated 1311 and by Zhu Sheng dated 1370; also prefaces by...


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55、 弘治六年会试 : 二卷 明弘治间刻本

In case Also available in digital form Title on spine of case: 弘治六年会试录 明弘治间刻本 Ming Dynasty woodblock print, ca 1493 九字不等 Number of lines and characters varies 明李东阳陆简主试 李东阳序;陆简后序 Record of National examination in 1493; preface by Li Dongyang...


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56、 国朝御史题名 : 不分卷 清光緖间京畿道刻本

Guo chao yu shi ti ming lu | Yu shi ti mingAlso available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site November 1, 1939 553609 清光緖间京畿道刻本 四周双边 白口 黑单鱼尾 匡高19 4宽14 0 公分 黄纸 In case with: 国朝满洲蒙古御史题名 : 不分卷, ca 1887-1908 八行每行字不等 Eight lines;...


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57、 大清搢绅全书 : 不分卷 清乾隆四十二年秋季刻本

Jin shenIn case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site November 1, 1939 553609 佚名编 清乾隆四十二年秋季刻本 四周双边 白口 黑双鱼尾 匡高20 5宽15 8公分 黄纸 十六行字数不等 Sixteen lines; number of characters per line varies 书名叶中间题"大清搢绅全书" 右为出版商识语 记本书所...


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58、 大清搢绅全书 : 不分卷 清光緖二十七年荣禄堂刻本

Xiu zhen jue zhi quan hanAlso available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 清光緖二十七年荣禄堂刻本 四周双边 白口 黑双鱼尾 无竖栏 匡高13 6宽10 3公分 黄纸 与下书 大清中枢备览 二册同装一函 In case with: Da Qing zhong shu bei lan, 1901 DLC 十四行字数不等 Fourteen lines; number of...


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59、 古今游名山记 : 十七卷, 总录 [三卷]

You ming shan jiIn 2 cases Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 原题:“括苍何镗振卿甫编辑, 庐陵吴炳用晦甫校正” 按是书卷四卷十又各分上下卷, 总录分胜纪名言类考三目 黄佐(序)嘉靖四十二年 (1563), 吴炳(序), 王世贞(序), 王穉登(序), 自序: 嘉靖四十四年 (1565) 框20 x 14公分, 14行27字, 白口, 单白鱼尾, 左右...


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60、 马要沈氏族谱 : 七卷 明万历间刻本

Wuxing Mayao Shen shi zu pu | Ma yao Shen shi zu puAccording to the text, the Shen family of Mayao was prominent in Wuxing between the Song Dynasty and the late sixteenth century ...


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