101、 廿二史纂略 : 六卷 清乾隆十四年汾源堂刻本

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site July 7, 1950 1600J 清乾隆十四年汾源堂刻本 左右双边 白口 黑单鱼尾 无竖栏 版匡高17 5宽13 3公分 黄纸 九行十九字 Nine lines, with nineteen characters per line 函脊号 1219 签条号 60 书名叶正中题"廿二史纂略" 右上题"吴门郭立方辑" 左题"帝系...


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102、 乾隆叁拾叁年戊子科河南乡试录 : 不分卷 清乾隆三十三年刻本

Henan xiang shi lu, Qianlong wu zi keRecord of the National Examination in Henan Province; Asiha was Examination Master; preface by Yu Mingqiu; postscript by Sun Hanzhong ...


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103、 舆地碑记目 : 四卷 旧钞本

The postscript states Pan Zuyin reprinted this book with comments added ...


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104、 仲志 : 四卷 明刻清印本

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site December 8, 1939 576337 明刻清印本 四周双栏 白口 黑单鱼尾 版匡高21 8宽14 0公分(卷一图 此据卷二叶一) 全书高27 2宽16 6公分;卷一绘图像 九行十九字 Nine lines, with nineteen characters per line Originally compiled by...


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105、 皇明九边考 : 十卷

Jiu bian kao | Jiu bian tu kaoWei Yanyi mentioned in an annotation at the end of the book that it was compiled by an ancestor who was "xian Sima in charge of the three sides of the frontier" Later people believed that the author of this boo...


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106、 彰德府续志 : 三卷

Wanli Henan Zhangde Fu xu zhi | Wanli Zhangde Fu xu zhiCaption title In 2 cases Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 责任者据"彰德府续志目录" 万历辛巳郭朴自序, 同年常存仁"跋"言刻书事 框(卷上后)20 3 x 14公分, 8行19字, 白口, 左右双边, 单黑鱼尾 版心上镌书名, 中镌卷次, 下...


更多: 抗日战争与近代中日关系文献数据平台 孔夫子旧书网 上海图书馆 Worldcat 万方数据 知网万方

107、 大清搢绅全书 : 不分卷 清光緖十六年刻本

Xiu zhen jue zhi quan hanIn case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 清光緖十六年刻本 四周双边 白口 黑双鱼尾 无竖栏 匡高13 1宽10 2公分 黄纸 十四行字数不等 Fourteen lines; number of characters per line varies 书名叶正中题"大清搢绅全书" 左右为出版商识语 记本书所载内容云:"钦遵...


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108、 阙里志 : 八卷, 首图一卷 明嘉靖四十三年刻本

Ming ban Queli zhiIncludes illustrations of Confucian figures, landscapes, and musical instruments ...


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109、 清凉山灵志 : 一卷 清瞿珍刊本

Compilation of contents roughly from the Zhengde Period (1506-1521) to the Wanli Period (1573-1620); its twenty chapters are excerpted from the "Qingliang zhi" (History of Qingliang) from the Wanli Period; included is a picture of Manjusri ...


更多: 京东 孔夫子旧书网 Worldcat 万方数据 维普网 国图 籍合网 统计年鉴分享平台

110、 大清律集解附例 : 三十卷, 附题定载入律条通行实录 清顺治四年刊本

Preface states that this work was created under Imperial order, a compilation of Ming Dynasty laws and statutes that became the legal system of the Qing Dynasty ...


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111、 太洋洲萧侯庙志 : 上集六卷, 下集一卷 明天启二年刻本

Taiyang Xiao Hou miao zhi | Qie Taiyang Zhou Xiao Hou miao zhiCollection of documents about Xiao Hou, including Xiao hou miao tu, Xiao Hou zhuan (The biography of Xiaohou), orders and funeral oration from the Emperor, poems, and verse Xiao ...


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112、 江汉堤防图考

In case Also available in digital form 是书专纪湖广境内堤堰 按江汉洞庭, 汇集湖广, 因有水乡之称 嘉靖间, 三院严饬修筑堤防, 命笃臣监司其事, 凡所修筑, 一一为图, 而系之以说 原题:“青阳施笃臣辑 汝南赵贤校” 笃臣字敦甫 青阳人 嘉靖三十五年进士 官至顺天府尹 是书专纪湖广境内堤堰 按江汉洞庭 汇集湖广 因有水乡之称 嘉靖间 三院严饬修筑堤防 命笃臣监司其事 凡所修筑 一一为图 而系之以说 卷下四考一论 则其经验良言也 卷内有...


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113、 大明律附例 : 三十卷

Lü liShu Hua, Head of the Ministry of Punishment, coordinated with other ministries to review and edit Wen xing tiao li (Questions about punishment guidelines), which resulted in this text, which was presented to the Emperor ...


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114、 安徽袖珎同官录 : 四卷 清宣统三年春季藩经历司铅印本

Anhui tong guan luIn case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site November 3, 1939 553609 清宣统三年春季藩经历司铅印本 四周双边 白口 黑单鱼尾 匡高15 7宽10 0 公分 黄纸 十行字数不等 Ten lines; number of characters per line varies 书名叶正中题"安徽袖珎同官录" 背面牌记题"...


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115、 正德八年浙江乡试

Zhengde ba nian Zhejiang xiang shi luRecord of examinations in Zhejiang Province; includes a preface by Chen Long; examination masters, Chen Long and Lin Shiming ...


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117、 豫东宣防录 : 六卷 清乾隆五年刻本

The preface by Hou Sida states that this book is a collection of memorials to the throne written by Bai Zhongshan during the years when he managed the rivers in Henan and Shandong Provinces, printed and published to inspire later generation...


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118、 秋审比较汇案 : 十六卷, 条款一卷, 光緖一卷, 续编八卷 清光緖三十三年荣录堂排印本

Qiu shen shi yuan bi jiao hui anAlso available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site March 13, 1950 0653J 清光緖三十三年荣录堂排印本 四周双边 白口 黑单鱼尾 匡高13 1宽9 6公分 白纸 二十五册六函 Twenty-five volumes in six cases 七行二十一字 Seven lines, with twenty-one c...


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119、 女才子传 : 十卷, 首卷一卷 清道光间刻本

According to the preface, the essays are based on true events and express the author s perspective on life, with odd stories and anecdotes concerning traditional women, while classic and famous women were not mentioned ...


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120、 九边论

Jiu bian tu lunContents include maps and records of the Northern Territories during the Ming Dynasty; prefaces and postscripts dated 1538 ...


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