121、 常熟县志 : 十三卷

Changshu zhiIn 2 cases Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Peking Union Book Store gift November 6, 1935 482949 volume 5 嘉靖十八年(1539)冯汝弼"序"及邓韨"后序" 卷十三末镌"阴阳学训术邑人朱壁, 县典吏沈凤董刻" 版本参据 中国古籍善本书目 史部, no 8561 框19 2 x 14 ...


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122、 养局案记 : 不分卷 清乾隆二十四年刻本

Index of shelters in Zhili Province; recorded are the number of shelters in each county, their locations and expenditures; the shelters were not operated by the government, but privately by local officials and gentry ...


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123、 大清职官迁除题名录 : 不分卷 清乾隆三十八年崇寿堂刻本

Jin shenAlso available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site January 5, 1939 553609 清乾隆三十八年崇寿堂刻本 四周双边 白口 黑双鱼尾 匡高17 0宽12 8 公分 黄纸 钤印5:"海西游客"白文方印、"玉砚堂"朱文椭圆印、"曹秉章印"白文方印、"理斋"朱文方印、"杜〓藏"朱文长方印 八册二函 Eight volumes in two cases 十六行三十四字 S...


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124、 续宋宰辅编年录 : 二十六卷 明天启元年刻本

Xu bian nian luAlso available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 十六册二函 Sixteen volumes in two cases 明天启元年刻本 四周单栏 白口 黑单鱼尾 匡高19 5宽13 3公分 十行二十字 Ten lines, with twenty characters per line 原题:“今台外史吕邦燿编 又有姓氏叶题 明奉政大夫通政使司右参议都人吕邦耀编辑...


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125、 浦江郑氏旌义编 : 二卷 明宣德三年郑楷重纂书种堂刻本

Jing yi bianRecord of the Zheng family; preface by Song Lian dated 1378; revision Zheng Kai dated 1428 ...


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127、 新镌翰林考正历朝故事统宗 : 十卷, 历朝人君考实一卷 明万历间刻本

Li chao gu shi tong zong | Han yuan hui xuan li chao gu shi tong zongCaption title Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 原本十一册二函 Original edition: eleven volumes in two cases 明万历间刻本 原本版匡高20 3宽12 4公分 十行二十三字小字双行同 ...


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128、 国朝御史题名 : 不分卷 清光緖间京畿道刻本

Yu shi ti mingAlso available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 1916 235015 清光緖间京畿道刻本 四周双边 白口 黑单鱼尾 匡高19 9宽14 0 公分 黄纸 In case with: 国朝满洲蒙古御史题名 : 不分卷 1837 八行每行字不等 Eight lines; number of characters per line varies 书名叶正中题"国朝御史题...


更多: 知网万方 维普网 Worldcat 籍合网 万方数据 京东 全国报刊索引 国图 国图▪文津 中国县志大全 孔夫子旧书网 抗日战争与近代中日关系文献数据平台

129、 丝纶录 : 六卷

Wanli si lun luCollection of imperial edicts to the six ministries from 1573 to 1614; compiled by Zhou Yongchun ...


更多: 知网万方 Worldcat 孔夫子旧书网 维普网 京东

131、 天顺七年会试录 : 一卷 明天顺间刻本

Hui shi lu, Tianshun qi nian yi ceIn case Also available in digital form 明天顺间刻本 Ming Dynasty woodblock print, ca 1463 or 1464 行字不等 Number of lines and characters per line varies 天顺七年会试录 彭时序;钱浦后序 Record of national examination in 1463; prefa...


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132、 历朝纲鉴会纂 清书业德刻本

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Collection of Wang Shunan April 3, 1929 379064 At head of title: 通鉴纲目定本 下栏十行二十七字 上栏小字双行三字 Lower column, ten lines with twenty-seven characters per line; upper column, small ...


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133、 成化二年会试录 : 二卷 明成化间刻本

Hui shi lu, Chenghua er nianRecord of the imperial Examination of the year 1466; Chief Examiners were Liu Dingzhi and Wan An; included are a preface Liu and a postscript by Wan ...


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134、 广东通志列传 : 四卷 民国二十四年中山大学排印本

Title from title page In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site January 29, 1952 民国二十四年中山大学排印本 左右双边 上黑口 黑单鱼尾 版匡高18 4宽12 7公分 全书高29 7宽17 9公分 白纸 十二行二十四字 小字双行同 Twelve lines, with twenty-four characters per line;...


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136、 淮阴实纪 : 一卷, 续一卷

Reports from Zhang Zhaoyuan, Governor of Huaian Prefecture, to the Emperor concerning the dredging of the river in Wucheng County to permit transportation of grain to resume ...


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137、 邹平县志 : 八卷

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site July 14, 1933 440206 框19 x 14 7公分, 全书高23 3宽16 2公分, 10行20字, 白口, 四周单边, 单黑鱼尾 版心上镌书名, 中镌卷次及细目 康熙三十五年李兴祖"重修邹平县志序", 康熙三十四年(1695)自序 钤印二: "潍高翰生收辑山东全省府州县志印记"白文方印, "南涧居士"朱文方印 ...


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138、 规条汇钞 : 二卷 清乾隆22年(1757)四来堂自刊本

The preface, written by the author, a certain Hong, states that he was promoted to become the Governor of Shaanxi Province many times; this is his compilation of official reports, correspondence letters, and so forth, completed in June 1757...


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139、 历城县志 : 十六卷 明崇祯间刻本

Chongzhen Shandong Licheng Xian zhi | Chongzhen Licheng Xian zhiCompiled, according to the introduction written by author Ye Chengzong, at the behest of Song Zufa, Governor of Licheng County Includes excerpts from Shan hai jing, Shuij ing z...


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140、 西江学政 : 不分卷 清康熙二十一年刻本

Author Gao Huang served as the examiner in Jiangxi Province; contents primarily concern academic rules and the examination system, the academic atmosphere and selection of officials following the official examination, and the prohibition of...


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