1、 囘疆通志 钞本

Manuscript Title from cover In case 无版匡栏格 白口 无鱼尾 9 行 18-19 字 小字双行 24 9 x 20 1 cm 公分 淡黄纸 Nine lines, with eighteen or nineteen characters per line, and small characters in paired lines "南满洲铁道株式会社东亚经济调查局藏书之印"--Seal on cover of each volume Ori...


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2、 淄川靖逆记 : 四卷 清同治四年十获斋钞本

Record of the rebellion led by Liu Depei in Zichuan; Liu was a scholar who broke the law and became a fugitive; he later led a rebellion from September 1863 until his death in July 1864 ...


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3、 濮镇纪闻 : 四卷 钞本

Volume 1 includes a preface by Zhao You dated 1787, summary and contents; volume 2, brief biographical sketches; volume 3, biographies; volume 4, poems describing local customs, and reference materials ...


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6、 囘疆通志 钞本

Manuscript Title from cover In case Characters written in faintly defined squares 四周单边 白口 无鱼尾 8 行 20 字 小字双行 匡高18 5宽13 5 全书高23 4宽16 0 公分 淡黄纸 Eight lines, with twenty characters per line, and small characters in paired lines 无书名叶, 无序跋, 无叶码 正楷...


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8、 宋南烬记闻 : 四卷 钞本

Nan jin ji wenResearchers believe that Xin Qiji was not the author of this work; three inscriptions state that it was compiled by Zhou Hui ...


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9、 多尔衮家谱 : 不分卷 清内府精写本

Manuscript In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 多尔衮为清太祖第十四子 多智谋 收察哈尔全部 以功封和硕睿亲王 世祖初立年幼 多尔衮与济尔哈朗同辅政 破李自成 定京师 迎世祖入关 摄行政事 封摄政王 此谱为清内府精写本 颇罕流传 ...


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10、 新定九域志 : 十卷, 卷首 钞本

Jiu yu zhiThere were two versions of this work in the Song Dynasty: the original version, compiled in ca 1078-1085, presented to the Emperor, and recorded in the "Si ku quan shu"; and this, the popular version, edited and with supplements i...


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11、 谤书 : 存一卷 钞本

Manuscript In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 钞本 四周单边 朱印单鱼尾 版匡高18 8宽12 5公分 全书高26 4宽15 0公分 黄纸; 无书号 十一行二十三字 Eleven lines, with twenty-three characters per line 谤书 共四卷 有民国初悯瓜庐排印本 此钞本存卷四 多载刑案公文 末有辛亥年(1911...


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12、 科场条例 : 存七卷 清光緖间内府红格钞本

Ms In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site January 26, 1953 0487N 清光緖间内府红格钞本 四周双边 白口 红单鱼尾 匡高22 2 宽15 5公分(据卷55叶1) 白纸 函脊号1568签条号无 钤印"6 Copy___" 九行二十字(上擡一字不计) Nine lines, with twenty characters per line (not ...


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14、 金石林时地考 : [二卷] ; 寒山金石林部目 / 钞本

Manuscript In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site January 27, 1941 600022 05/14/03 T;08/14/01 T 框18 5 x 11 7公分, 10行24字, 四周单边, 白口, 单鱼尾, 版心下镌"养真书塾" 有道光癸巳(13年, 1833)丁嘉葆识语并钤其藏印 明赵均撰 此本为丁嘉葆校藏;嘉葆字诵孙 江苏武进人 道光十八年...


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16、 中都储志 : 十卷

Original title: Hedong Zhang Liangzhi zhuan ci; Supervisor Li Shouxiu was the last named official in the text, with the year given as 1538 ...


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17、 大元大一统志 : 残存九卷 民国十年钞校本

Manuscript In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 民国十年钞校本 无栏格 白口 全书高32 6宽20 0公分 十行二十字 Ten lines, with twenty characters per line 原题:“奏进集贤大学士资善大夫同知宣徽院事臣孛兰盻 昭文馆大学士中奉大夫秘书监臣岳铉等上进 ”按此本录自瞿氏铁琴铜剑楼钞本 载瞿目卷十一页五凡存均州 ...


更多: 中国县志大全 知网万方 京东 国图 国图▪文津 万方数据 全国报刊索引 籍合网 万方学术-重庆图书馆 Worldcat 统计年鉴分享平台 抗日战争与近代中日关系文献数据平台 新华文摘 维普网

18、 呈送书目 : 十六卷 宝勤堂钞本

Wen miao xiang shiMs Title from label on cover of case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 十六册二函 Sixteen volumes in two cases 八行 Eight lines 与印本涵秋阁 进呈书目 只多三种 不着编者姓氏 卷端有闻妙香室补钞乾隆三十九年五月十四日上谕并全书目录 原书不分卷 目录作十六卷 盖代册...


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19、 幸存录 : 一卷 旧钞本

Originally consisted of eight sections, but only five sections remain: "Guo yun sheng shuai zhi shi" (Prosperity and decline of the nation); "Men hu da lue" (Strategy of development of the nation); "Men hu za zhi" (Defense of the nation); "...


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20、 苗蛮图册页 : 不分卷 清乾隆五十一年墨书彩绘本

Preface by Fangting says that the work was initiated when he began his duties as an official in Qian (Guizhou) in the year 1784; color paintings on the right leaf, annotation of local customs on the left leaf; paintings show the differing c...


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