41、 周礼述注 : 二十四卷 清乾隆三十二年清白堂刻本

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Collection of Wang Shunan April 3, 1929 379064 清乾隆三十二年清白堂刻本 四周单边 白口 黑单鱼尾 匡高20 2宽12 6公分 淡黄纸 八行二十二字 双行小字 Eight lines, with twenty-two characters per line; also double ...


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42、 周易本义 : 四卷, 卷首

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 成化己丑(5年, 1469)洪常"本义序"及"周易朱子图说" 编者据序 卷末镌"嘉靖甲午孟东崇仁书堂新刊"牌记 框17 x 11 6公分, 11行23字, 白口, 四周双边, 双黑鱼尾 入藏年日不详 有号码00509723 明成矩编 矩字叔度,长洲人,永乐十八年举人,官奉化教谕 其书即编于是时,为明代士子所习用 四库全书于朱子本...


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43、 古文尚书马郑注 : 十卷 清乾隆六十年兰陵孙氏问字堂刻本

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Collection of Wang Shunan April 3, 1929 379064 清乾隆六十年兰陵孙氏问字堂刻本 四周双边 白口 黑单鱼尾 匡高17 4宽11 8公分 白纸泛黄 九行二十一字 栏小字二十一字 Nine lines, with twenty-one characters per line, and pa...


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44、 春秋左传 : 三十卷

Chun qiu Zuo zhuan Du Lin he jie | Zuo zhuanGift Wang Shunan Collection April 3, 1929 379064 In 2 cases LC copy brittle Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 著者据卷端前"春秋左传序" 卷一书题次行题:"附林尧叟音注括例始末" 卷末有:"巡按四川监察御史朱廷立[嘉...


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45、 读说文杂识 : 一卷 清光緖七年[1881]刻本

PL A161 32 2--Label on cover Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Gift of the Chinese Government In case with: 说文通检 ; 陈瑑说文引经考 ; 说文新附 ; 说文续考 ; 说文办疑 九行二十二字 Nine lines, with twenty-two characters per line "光緖七年仲冬月...


更多: 国图▪文津 国图 上海图书馆 维普网 知网万方

46、 杜注春秋左传 : 三十卷 清同治八年楚北崇文书局刻本

Chun qiu jing zhuan ji jie | Chun chiu Zuo zhuan Du zhuAlso available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Gift of the Chinese Government 十二册二函 Twelve volumes in two cases 九行十七字 双行小字 Nine lines with seventeen characters per l...


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47、 六书总要 : 五卷, 附正小篆之讹一卷 明万历十二年刻本

The author s preface describes the compilation of the contents and its detailed classification However, the "Si ku quan shu zong mu ti yao" stated that most of the ancient Chinese prose in this book was fabricated and self-contradictory ...


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48、 周易 : 四卷 清咸丰元年浔阳万氏莲峰书屋刻本

Zhou yi ben yi | Liu jing zheng mengIn case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Collection of Wang Shunan April 3, 1929 379064 清咸丰元年浔阳万氏莲峰书屋刻本 四周单边 白口 无鱼尾 匡高20 9宽14 2公分 白纸 九行十七字 Nine lines, with seventeen char...


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49、 周礼 : 十二卷 清光緖十二年湖北官书处刻本

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Gift of the Chinese government 九行十七字 双行小字 序字不同 Nine lines, with seventeen characters per line; also double rows of small characters; number of characters per line in...


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50、 周礼训隽 : 二十卷

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 框21 5 x 14公分, 9行18字, 上栏约占二格批点, 注文小字双行, 白口, 四周单边, 单黑或单白鱼尾, 版心上镌书名及卷次, 中镌篇名 著者及版本据 中国古籍善本书目 经部, no 1714 钤印有"易漱平印"白文方印 "风树亭藏书记"朱文长方印 无书名叶 正文卷端题"周礼训隽卷之一" 下无署名 正文前有万历己丑(1...


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51、 字类标韵 : 六卷

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Gift of the Chinese Government 九行每行字不等 Nine lines; number of characters per line varies ...


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52、 公羊传 : 十一卷 清光绪12年[1886]湖北官书处刻本

Chun qiu Gongyang zhuanIn case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Gift of the Chinese Government 九行十八字 Nine lines, with eighteen characters per line ...


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53、 康熙字典 日本翻刻本

Honkoku Kōki jitenText chiefly in Chinese, with Japanese reading marks Caption title Within double border, except outside single (19 2 x 13 1 cm ), text chiefly in 16 vertical lines On double leaves, oriental style (fukurotoji) LC sets 1 an...


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54、 西儒耳目资

Xi ru erThis work concerns the phonetic transcription of Chinese into Roman phonetic symbols The original inscription states that this work was compiled by Nicolas Trigault; prefaces by Wang Zheng and Nicolas Trigault dated 1626, a second p...


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55、 字典考证 : 三十六卷 清光緖二年崇文书局刻本

In case "PL"--Label on cover Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Gift of the Chinese Government 十行二十字 Ten lines, with twenty characters per line "光緖二年夏月崇文书局开雕"--Colophon on t p verso ...


更多: 国图 上海图书馆 万方数据 Worldcat 维普网 国图▪文津

56、 韩诗外传 : 十卷 明天启六年唐琳点校本

Preface by Chen Ming makes clear that this woodblock print was based on the version by Xue Lai from the Jiaqing Period, ca 1522-1566; there is another edition extant with the title Ke Han shi wai zhuan le ji , also completed in the year 162...


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57、 四书朱注 : 十九卷 清光緖二十一年湖北官书处刻本

Si shu ji zhuTitle from label on spine of case Each of the three separate units comes with its own title page and colophon on the verso of the title page In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Gift of the...


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58、 韵学通指 : 一卷, 韵白一卷 清康熙间刻思古堂十二种零本

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site July 20, 1951 0705K 清康熙间刻思古堂十二种零本 左右双边 白口 白单鱼尾 版匡高19 5宽13 4公分 黄纸 十行二十字 Ten lines, with twenty characters per line 函脊号 1182 签条号 63 钤印有"东武邹俪笙藏"朱文方印 "邹氏家藏"白文方印 "邹俪笙读书印"...


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59、 义学正字 : 三卷 明万历间刻本

In case Also available in digital form 明万历间刻本 Ming woodblock print, pref 1604 九行注双行二十四字 Nine lines with twenty-four characters per line paired lines of small characters 原题:“归德沈鲤纂辑 曹南郭一经续纂 上虞顾充校正 中乡张悌校刊” 是书依说文以定四书内各字之字体与点画 间亦遵用洪武王韵 凡学庸一卷 论语孟...


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60、 易堂问目 : 四卷 清乾隆间进呈原本

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Collection of Wang Shunan April 3, 1929 379064 清乾隆间进呈原本 四册一函 左右双边 细黑口 黑单鱼尾 匡高17 6宽12 6公分 白纸 十行二十一字 Ten lines, with twenty-one characters per line 书名叶正中题"易堂问目" 匡上眉题"进...


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