1、 春秋衡库纂 : 十四卷 旧钞本

Chao ben Chun qiu heng ku zuanAccording to Guo yu , this book supplemented the history of the period prior to that recorded in the Chun qiu The book Chun qiu ku heng , also by Feng Menglong, consisted of thirty volumes, and is included as v...


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2、 古文字汇 : 一卷 清乾隆十五年刘秉钧钞本

Contents show various ways of writing characters; many ancient scripts are included, but absent attribution or source of origin ...


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5、 回藏文同文韵统 钞本

Tong wen yun tong, Hui Zang wen manuscript Title from spine of case Includes a chapter with pronunciation of characters in Arabic, as well as Yi, Wu, Wei, and E dialects; also, chapters with Tibetan and Hui in the upper column, and parallel...


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6、 惜阴日记 钞本

Xi yin tang ri jiMs In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site April 28, 1941 616892 钞本 无栏格 文字部分约高20 2宽12 6公分;补:宋咸熙 武林藏书志 卷下有传;此罗振常石印原本 珍贵 或有资校勘处 书套"惜阴堂日记 : 原抄本二册" 十行二十一字 Ten lines, with twenty-one characters...


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7、 切韵指掌图 : 一卷 影宋钞本

The phrase at the end of the book, "cheng jing si kan", indicates that this edition may be a manuscript copy of a woodblock print from the Song Dynasty; included are an introduction by the author and a postscript by Dong Nanyi dated 1203, a...


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8、 五经类语 : 八卷

Label on page [2] of cover reads: "Wu ching lei yü by Liang Yü-ch iao This manuscript, a "Dictionary of classified phrases in the Five Classics," was compiled in the sixteenth century It was once in the library of Prince Kuo (Kuo Ch in Wa...


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9、 尚书辨解 : 卷三至卷五 钞本

Manuscript In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 钞本 无栏格 全书高27 0宽18 1公分 十行二十一字 Ten lines, with twenty-two characters per line LC copy has "陆军豫科士官学校图书图书之印" and "陆军豫科士官学校图书登录番号20631" stamped DLC 全书应十卷 此存卷三至...


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10、 乐律表微 : 八卷 清钞本

Authors Xia Deqing and Hu Yansheng wrote about the tonality and form of ancient music; guidelines for the sounds of musical instruments; the expression of ritual music and dance; theories of voice and rhyme in poetry ...


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11、 尔雅堂家藏诗说 : 不分卷

Er ya tang shi shuoAccording to volume 115 of Jing yi kao by Zhu Yizun, this book, Er ya tang shi shuo , written by Gu Qiyuan, originally consisted of four chapters ...


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12、 班马字类 : 五卷 旧钞本

Shi Han zi leiCreated in the style of a Song Dynasty or Ming Dynasty text; includes a preface by Lou Yue dated 1182 two postscripts by the author dated 1181 ...


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13、 西番译语 钞本

Chapter one, astronomy, geography, calendar, people; chapter two, people, bodies, palaces, utensils; chapter three, utensils, clothes, sound and color, classics; chapter four, documents from the Hui State, documents translated from foreign ...


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14、 六书正讹 : 五卷

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 至正十一年(1351)周伯琦"六书正讹叙" 至正十二年(1352)吴当"后叙" 框23 9 x 15公分, 5行, 小字双行20字, 白口, 四周单边, 单黑鱼尾 版心中镌书名及卷次 钤"醉李高承埏字八遐家藏书记", "南山主人寓公"印记 原题:“鄱阳周伯琦编注” 按是书行款与元刊本同 卷末无校正人姓氏 按之诸家所记 殆嘉靖元年...


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15、 易经 : 四卷 清光緖十二年湖北官书处刻本

Zhou yi | Zhou yi ben yiIn case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Gift of the Chinese Government 九行十七字 双行小字 Nine lines, with seventeen characters per line; also double rows of small characters "光緖十二年冬月湖北官书处重...


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16、 左传文苑 : 八卷

Zuo zhuan yuanCollection of essays written by famous scholars from the Han Dynasty (206 B C -220 A D ) to the Song Dynasty (960-1279) Compiled by Zhang Nai ...


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17、 [四书五经大全 : 一百二十卷]

Si shu da quan | Wu jing da quan | Xing li da quan | Si shu Wu jing da quan hui ke | Si shu Wu jing Xing li da quanTitle from the annotation of Wang Chongmin Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site January 6, 1947...


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18、 五经文字 : 三卷 清乾隆间马氏丛书楼刻本

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Collection of Wang Shunan April 3, 1929 379064 清乾隆间马氏丛书楼刻本 四周单边 白口 无鱼尾 无竖栏 匡高22 9宽15 0公分 淡黄纸 五行字不等 Five lines; number of characters per line varies 书名叶正中题"五经文字" 右上题"...


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19、 四书湖南讲 : [九卷]

Title from prefatory page In 2 cases LC copy v 10 and 11 mislabelled as v 18 and 19 In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site July 7, 1950 1600J 书名据版心题 计 大学湖南讲 一卷, 中庸湖南讲 一卷, 论语湖南讲 四卷, 孟子湖南讲 三卷 崇祯辛未(1631)郑尚友"...


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20、 吕叔简先生四礼翼 : 一卷 清光緖乙未[21年,1896]崇文书局刻本

Si li yiAlso available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Gift of the Chinese Government 八行二十字 Eight lines, with twenty characters per line 刻本 精装 书名叶题:吕叔简先生四礼翼 "光緖乙未年湖北崇文书局校刊"--Colophon on t p verso "万厯癸酉八月望日甯原仲子吕坤书"--Prefa...


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