1、 纪效新书 : 十八卷, 卷首一卷

Volumes 1-4 in case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Gift of the Chinese Government 九行十九字 Nine lines, with nineteen characters per line 页471-472(补遗), 据序文考订此书刊刻年代 书刻尚可 但刷印不佳 墨色浓淡悬殊 部分缝线脱落 原题:“定远东牟戚继光撰 ”按是书为近...


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2、 经国雄略 : 四十八卷

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 三十二册四函 Thirty-two volumes in four cases 八行二十字 Eight characters, with twenty characters per line 原题:“南安伯郑芝龙飞虹 清漳郑崑贞十师 武荣郑鸿逵羽公仝鉴字 石江郑芝豹玄公较阅 温陵郑大郁孟周编订 晋江蔡鼎无能参阅 潭阳王介爵锡九较梓 ”卷一 大郁...


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3、 兵录 : 十四卷 明崇祯壬申(5年,1632)序刻本

He da jiang jun Bing luAlso available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 九行十九字 Nine lines, with nineteen characters per line 十二册二函 Twelve volumes in two cases 明崇祯壬申(5年 1632)序刻本 按书后有“崇祯元年岁在戊辰仲秋之吉重订于粤之正气堂”, 但既有崇祯5年序, 则此书不可能刻于...


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4、 孙子集注 : 十三卷 明嘉靖三十四年谈恺刊本

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 四册一木夹 Four volumes in a wooden binder 明嘉靖三十四年谈恺刊本 四周双栏 白口 白鱼尾 版匡高20 4宽14 1公分 十行二十字 小字双行字同 Ten lines, with twenty characters per line; small characters in paired lines of twe...


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5、 虎钤经 : 十八卷

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site August 14, 1947 1394F 残四册 存十八卷又四叶半 钤印一:“易印漱平”白文方印 九行十九字 Nine lines, with nineteen characters per line 宋许洞撰 洞字渊夫 吴兴人 咸平三年进士 欧阳修尝称为俊逸之士 是书卷首有自序及进表 大意谓“孙子兵法奥而精;学者难于晓用 唐...


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6、 洴澼百金方 : 十四卷 清钞本

Concerns national defense and military strategy; author not mentioned in this manuscript, but the compiler was Lu Jiumin from Qinghui; the handwriting and painting herein appear to have been the work of more than one person ...


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