141、 重修政和经史证类备用本草 : 三十卷 明隆庆六年傅希〓施笃臣等刻本

Concerns Chinese herbs and medicine; according to the original description, this medical record was compiled by Tang Shunzhi at Chengdu and was verified by imperial medical doctor Cao Xiaozhong by order of the Emperor; prefaces date from 14...


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142、 草木谱

Incomplete; date of woodblock unknown; title page blank; text not divided into chapters; compiler anonymous; date of print unknown; regarded as a plant taxonomy, with vivid illustrations and scientific names of plants on each page; some pag...


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143、 经史证类大观本草 : 三十一卷 朝鲜国翻刻本

This Korean reprint is based on the 1132 A D Yuan Dynasty woodblock print which was reprinted by Zong wen shu yuan (in the 19th century), according to Riben fang shu zhi, which was written by Yang Shoujing Preface by Ai Sheng dated 1108 Jap...


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144、 小学存是详注 : 六卷 明雨香斋潘氏刻本

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site April 10, 1952 0865M 明雨香斋潘氏刻本 四周单边 白口 黑单鱼尾 均无竖栏 匡高18 9+3 8宽12 8公分 黄纸 钤印有"水户青山氏藏"朱文卷轴行印 ""朱文方印 钤印"6 Copy___" 下栏十一行二十五字 上栏小字双行七字 Lower column: eleven lines, with twent...


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145、 本草蒙荃 : 十二卷, 总论一卷

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 八册两函 Eight volumes in two cases 十一行二十一字 双排小字 Eleven lines, with twenty-one characters per line; also double rows of twenty-one small characters per line 原题:“新安祁门月朋陈嘉谟廷釆纂辑 门生...


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146、 诸经品节 : 二十卷 明万历间刻本

Yang tai shi zhu ping zhu jing pin jieAlso available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 二十四册四函 Twenty-four volumes in four cases 明万历间刻本 四周单栏 白口 单鱼尾 版匡高18 8+2 5宽14 0公分 下栏九行二十字小字双行字同 上栏小字双行四字 Lower column: nine lines, with tw...


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147、 滨虹艸堂藏古[xi]印 : 不分卷 民国十八年钤印本

A collection of more than 300 seals; Huang Binhong s introduction explains how he acquired the seals; inscription at the end is dated 1929 ...


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148、 古今治平汇要 : 十四卷 清雍正七年文聚楼刻本

Zhi ping hui yaoIn case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site September 18, 1940 580875 清雍正七年文聚楼刻本 左右双边 上下黑口 黑双鱼尾 版匡高17 4宽11 5公分 黄纸 十行二十字 Ten lines, with twenty characters per line 书名叶正中题"古今治平汇要" 右上题"勾吴杨潮观纂" 左题"...


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150、 五杂组 : 十六卷 明刻本

Caption title In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site December 1, 1950 0032K 明刻本 左右双栏 白口 黑单鱼尾 版匡高19 3宽13 0公分 有日人朱墨笔训点 间有眉批(不多) 末册底修补叶有墨书"濑川氏" 或出其手 钤印有"山堂记"朱文方印 "七 公氏藏书印"朱文方印 另有印章"6 Copy" 九行十八字 Nine lines, ...


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151、 周小亭印录 : 不分卷 清乾隆四十九年听松楼钤印本

Seal collection of Zhou Shishao (hao: Xiaoting); woodblock print of his 1784 Ting song lou manuscript ...


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152、 山海经 : 十八卷

You tu Shan hai jing | Nan shan jingIn case Also available in digital form 封面镌"有图山海经山海经纪自禹益昔无图相本堂鸠工缮镌图篆精良海内具眼者辩焉彤云子白" 卷十八末镌"广陵蒋应镐武临父绘图, 晋陵李文孝希禹镌" 框20 7 x 14 4公分, 9行20字, 白口, 四周单边, 单白鱼尾, 版心上镌"南山经"等各卷不同, 中镌卷次 中国古籍善本书目 子部, p 727 原题:“晋记室参军郭璞传 ”有...


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153、 艺林寻到源头 : 七卷 明末刻本

Xun dao yuan touIncludes Huang mei gu shi and Bai mei gu shi , popular stories for children during the Ming Dynasty ...


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154、 识小录 : 八卷 清道光二十九年刻本

Yao Ying Shifu Shi xiao luIn case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site April 8, 1929 379064 清道光二十九年刻本 三册一函 四周双边 白口 黑单鱼尾 十行二十四字 匡高18 5宽12 7公分 淡黄纸 Ten lines with twenty-four characters per line 书名叶正中题识小录灯 正文卷端题识小...


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155、 治平言 : 二卷 明末刻本

Xiao Boyu pi ping Zhi ping yanIn case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site December 20, 1937 525387 明末刻本 版匡高20 1宽12 0公分 八行十八字 眉批双行二字 Eight lines, with eighteen characters per line; notes in paired lines of two ...


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156、 重修政和经史证类备用本草 : 三十卷 明天启五年山东布政使曹尔桢等翻刻本

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 二十四册四函 Twenty-four volumes in four cases 十二行二十三字 Twelve lines, with twenty-three characters per line 原题:“成都唐慎微续证类 中卫大夫康州防御使句当龙德宫总辖修建明堂所医药所提举入内医官编类圣济经提举太医学臣曹孝忠奉敕校勘 ”据卷一、二、七、八...


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157、 虞初志 : 七卷 明朱墨印本

The postscript is not noted in the table of contents in the first volume; one volume is missing; the introduction notes that the commentaries are in accordance with the Yuan Hongdao edition, and that punctuation is based on the Tu long edit...


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158、 理学宗旨 : 三十六卷 明天启间刻本

Biographies of eighteen Confucian scholars from the Song to the Ming Dynasty, excluding scholars of the Yuan Dynasty -- their names, birthplaces, and selections of their works ...


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159、 刘向新序旁注评林 : 十卷 明坊刻本

Liu xiang xin xu pangAlso available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site September 18, 1940 580875 In case 三册与说苑合装 明坊刻本 见冈书堂藏版 左右双栏 白口 无鱼尾 版匡高19 5+4 0宽14 3公分; 补: 署名叶题: "见冈书堂藏版" 下栏六行十七字 注行小字 上栏双行六字 Lower column, six lines with...


更多: 国图 知网万方 Worldcat 孔夫子旧书网 维普网 万方学术-重庆图书馆 京东 统计年鉴分享平台 国图▪文津 全国报刊索引

160、 御制耕织全图 : 不分卷 清康熙后刻本

Geng zhi quan tuIncludes detailed paintings and description of tilling and weaving; also poems by the Emperor Kangxi in cursive script above the paintings ...


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