1、 金陵古金石考目 : 一卷 旧钞本

According to the manuscript, this edition was recorded in chapter 87 of "Si ku cun mu"; preserved by Duan Fang when he was an official in Jiangning; he made a gift of it to Zhang Zuyi ...


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3、 石墨镌华 : 八卷

In case 万历四十六年(1618)康万民"序"及赵崡"自序" 避"玄"字讳 卷首题"石墨镌华戊申冬月得于京师一鹤轩藏" 框20 8 x 14 2公分, 9行18字, 四周双边, 上下黑口, 双黑鱼尾, 版心中镌书名及卷次 钤有"师竹斋图书"等印记 ...


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4、 金石林时地考 : [二卷] ; 寒山金石林部目 / 钞本

Manuscript In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site January 27, 1941 600022 05/14/03 T;08/14/01 T 框18 5 x 11 7公分, 10行24字, 四周单边, 白口, 单鱼尾, 版心下镌"养真书塾" 有道光癸巳(13年, 1833)丁嘉葆识语并钤其藏印 明赵均撰 此本为丁嘉葆校藏;嘉葆字诵孙 江苏武进人 道光十八年...


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5、 积古斋钟鼎彝器款识 : 一零卷 清光绪5年[1879]崇文书局刻本

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Gift of the Chinese Government 十一行二十四字 Twelve lines, with twenty-four characters per line ...


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6、 金石韵府 : 五卷

Five volumes; preface by Xu Biao dated 1639; preface by Feng Fang dated 1531; postscript by Gong Tingzhang; preface states that the work was compiled by Zhu Shiwang, and likely destroyed by fire; Xu Biao discovered the remains, verified the...


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7、 九成宫醴泉铭 : 不分卷 北宋拓本

Hai nei gua ben Tang ta Liquan mingTitle from label on binder Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 一册一夹板 Rubbing; one volume in wooden binder 北宋拓本 剪裱册叶装 四周单边 白口 无鱼尾 内心高23 8宽13 8公分 全书高30 5宽17 9公分 四行七字 Four lines...


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