1、 左传文苑 : 八卷

Zuo zhuan yuanCollection of essays written by famous scholars from the Han Dynasty (206 B C -220 A D ) to the Song Dynasty (960-1279) Compiled by Zhang Nai ...


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2、 公羊传 : 十一卷 清光绪12年[1886]湖北官书处刻本

Chun qiu Gongyang zhuanIn case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Gift of the Chinese Government 九行十八字 Nine lines, with eighteen characters per line ...


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3、 春秋三书 : 三种三十一卷 明末刻本

Title from the caption title of the preface In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Collection of Wang Shunan April 3, 1929 379064 Each of the three parts is preceded by its own title page: 列国论 ; 诸傅断 ; 书法解...


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4、 读春秋左氏赘言 : 十二卷

Du Zuo zhui yanIn case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 钤"长州张氏艺经堂藏", "张绍仁读书记"等印记 框21 4 x 13 2公分, 9行21字, 白口, 左右双边, 单黑鱼尾, 版心上镌"读左赘言", 中镌卷次 有万历十六年(1588)贺邦泰"序" 原题:“荆溪后学王升著 同邑后学吴骙校”按是书四库全书总目失载 明史无升传 他书亦不着其事迹 惟直兴...


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5、 春秋经传集解 : 三十卷 明翻宋相台岳氏刻本

In 2 cases Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 00510377 与CHLR00-B55同版 框20 5 x 14 2公分, 8行17字, 小字双行, 白口, 四周双边, 书耳镌纪年, 双线鱼尾, 版心中镌"左传"及卷次 著者及版本参据 中国古籍善本书目 经部 钤"邓汝功", "靑芝山人"两印记 晋杜预(撰)按此即 陈鳣所谓明翻宋相台岳氏刻本也 首题春秋经传集解隐公第一...


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6、 杜注春秋左传 : 三十卷 清同治八年楚北崇文书局刻本

Chun qiu jing zhuan ji jie | Chun chiu Zuo zhuan Du zhuAlso available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Gift of the Chinese Government 十二册二函 Twelve volumes in two cases 九行十七字 双行小字 Nine lines with seventeen characters per l...


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7、 春秋左传 : 三十卷

Chun qiu Zuo zhuan Du Lin he jie | Zuo zhuanGift Wang Shunan Collection April 3, 1929 379064 In 2 cases LC copy brittle Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 著者据卷端前"春秋左传序" 卷一书题次行题:"附林尧叟音注括例始末" 卷末有:"巡按四川监察御史朱廷立[嘉...


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8、 钦定春秋传说汇纂 : 三十八卷, 卷首二卷 清同治10年[1871]崇文书局刻本

PL--Label on cover Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Givt of the Chinese Government 二十册二函 Twenty volumes in two cases 八行十七大字, 小字双行二十一字 In the main text, eight lines; seventeen large characters, and paired li...


更多: 中国县志大全 万方学术-重庆图书馆 国图▪文津 知网万方 维普网 统计年鉴分享平台 籍合网 Worldcat 京东 抗日战争与近代中日关系文献数据平台 孔夫子旧书网 上海图书馆 国图

9、 春秋衡库纂 : 十四卷 旧钞本

Chao ben Chun qiu heng ku zuanAccording to Guo yu , this book supplemented the history of the period prior to that recorded in the Chun qiu The book Chun qiu ku heng , also by Feng Menglong, consisted of thirty volumes, and is included as v...


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10、 董子春秋繁露 : 十七卷, 附录 明天启乙酉[5年,1625]王道焜

Dong zi fan luIn case LC copy brittle Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 框19 6 x 13 7公分, 9行18字, 白口, 四周单边 版心上右镌"董子繁露" 栏上镌评 王道焜"刻董子春秋繁露序"言[天启]乙丑(5年, 1625)刻书事 汉董仲舒撰 原题:“钱塘王道焜昭平甫阅 同社赵如源濬之甫订 朱钦明尧心甫参” 按道焜以天启元年举于乡 事...


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