1、 廿二史纂略 : 六卷 清乾隆十四年汾源堂刻本

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site July 7, 1950 1600J 清乾隆十四年汾源堂刻本 左右双边 白口 黑单鱼尾 无竖栏 版匡高17 5宽13 3公分 黄纸 九行十九字 Nine lines, with nineteen characters per line 函脊号 1219 签条号 60 书名叶正中题"廿二史纂略" 右上题"吴门郭立方辑" 左题"帝系...


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2、 历代史纂左编 : 一百四十二卷 明嘉靖间胡宗宪校刻本

Zuo bian | Shi zuan zuo bianA handwritten addendum to the introduction of this work dated Qing Daoguang wu xu [1838] by a certain Chen notes that he purchased this book in 1837 and added notes and verifications ...


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