1、 金华寺志

Ms In case Also available in digital form September 18, 1940 589670 不分卷 十一行十九字 Eleven lines with nineteen characters per line 不着编者名氏 内述元至正末有成生者名子虚于梦中见汉高帝、唐太宗、宋太祖、明太祖 各偕群臣 胜宴相会 并记彼此问答之语 盖小说之末流也 ...


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2、 捧腹编 : 十卷 明万历间刻本

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 原题:“茂苑许自昌玄祐父辑 甫里马起城贰师父校 卷一 是书于汉唐以来说部之书 各摘数节或数十节 毫无伦次 卷七以后 间摘正史 卷十复摘及秦汉诸子 益见其任意凑合矣 卷内有:“初” “初南舟观”等印记 自序万历四十七年 (1619) 明万历间刻本 十册一函 九行二十字 版匡上小字双行三字 匡高21 1 宽13 7公分 Nine l...


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3、 小窗自纪 : 四卷, 别纪四卷, 清纪四卷, 附录一卷, 新语一卷 明刻本

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site January 27, 1941 600022 Title on spine of case 1: 小窗自纪 Title on spine of case 2: 小窗别纪 Title on spine of case 3: 小窗清纪 十二册三函 Twelve volumes in three cases 明刻本 十二册三函 四周单栏 白口 无鱼...


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4、 谈异 : 八卷 清光緖十九年刻木活字本

Items listed herein are reading notes; "Quan jie jin lu" was completed in nine sections in 1888; because of its popularity, it became hard to find, so an older edition was printed and published ...


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5、 新刻徐比部燕山丛录 : 二十二卷

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Running title: 燕山丛录 十行二十字 Ten lines, with twenty characters per line 原题:“海虞徐昌祚伯昌甫著 云间李叔春顺卿甫校” 李叔春(序)万历三十年(1602) 自序万历三十年(1602) ...


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6、 智囊 : 二十八卷 明天启间刻本

Stories about events and wise persons, with scholarly comments, in ten parts ...


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7、 绣谷春容 : 十二卷

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 十二册 三函 Twelve volumes in three cases 第一函各册除补写叶外大多模糊难辨 第二、三函略好 下栏十二行十七字 上栏十四行十二字 Lower column: twelve lines, with seventeen characters per line; upper column: fourteen lines,...


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8、 高奇往事 : 十卷 明万历间刻本

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Collection of Wang Shunan April 3, 1929 379046 十册二函 Ten volumes in two cases 明万历间刻本 版匡高18 1宽12 7公分 十行二十字 Ten lines, with twenty characters per line 原题:“栝苍何镗辑 ”自序云:“山居多暇 时时散帙...


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9、 玉茗堂摘评王弇洲先生艳异编 : 十二卷 明刻朱墨套印本

Yan yi bianThe illustrations in the "Yan yi shi er tu" portion show twelve beautiful ladies following Luoshen, the deity of beauty; the quality of the illustrations show the skills of the printers; a red seal inscription is attached to each...


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10、 虞初志 : 七卷 明朱墨印本

The postscript is not noted in the table of contents in the first volume; one volume is missing; the introduction notes that the commentaries are in accordance with the Yuan Hongdao edition, and that punctuation is based on the Tu long edit...


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11、 穆天子传 : 六卷 明天一阁刻本

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 九行十八字 Nine lines, with eighteen characters per line 明天一阁刻本 版匡高20 3 宽14 6公分 此书 四部丛刊 据涵芬楼藏本影印 Copy based on the version that is preserved in Han fen lou 原题:“晋郭璞注 明范钦订”...


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12、 山海经 : 十八卷

You tu Shan hai jing | Nan shan jingIn case Also available in digital form 封面镌"有图山海经山海经纪自禹益昔无图相本堂鸠工缮镌图篆精良海内具眼者辩焉彤云子白" 卷十八末镌"广陵蒋应镐武临父绘图, 晋陵李文孝希禹镌" 框20 7 x 14 4公分, 9行20字, 白口, 四周单边, 单白鱼尾, 版心上镌"南山经"等各卷不同, 中镌卷次 中国古籍善本书目 子部, p 727 原题:“晋记室参军郭璞传 ”有...


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13、 只麈谈 : 四卷 清乾隆己酉[54年,1789]刻本

Zhi zhu tanAlso available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site December 4, 1956 0798T 框13 5 x 9 8公分, 9行21字, 白口, 左右双边, 单黑鱼尾 版心上镌书名, 中镌卷次 封面镌: "只尘谭 蛰夫居士纂述 蒹人学者评订 乾隆己酉新镌 " 补:卷首题“朱庆湄卷一” 下署“宛泾蛰夫胡承谱韵仲甫纂述 同里蒹人朱庆湄青川甫评订” 书名叶中题“只尘谭” 右题...


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14、 南部新书 : 十卷, 补遗一卷 清乾隆四十一年曹炎钞藏明洪武间清隐老人跋本

Qing manuscript handwritten by Cao Yan in 1776, based on a Ming Dynasty woodblock print; postscript by Qingyinlaoren written between 1368 and 1398 ...


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15、 风月争奇 : 三卷 明萃庆堂刻本

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site November 21, 1950 2051J 明萃庆堂刻本 四周单边 白口 无鱼尾 无竖栏 匡高21 0宽12 0公分 黄纸 Handwritten manuscript 钤印有""朱文长方印 钤印"6 Copy___" 六行二十字 Six lines, with twenty characters per line 书名叶正...


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