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81、 Church work among white settlers beyond the sea

AbstractPan-Anglican Papers Being problems for consideration at the Pan-Anglican Congress, 1908 DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 65 PublisherLondon : Published for the...


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82、 Fifty years' work amongst young men in all lands

AuthorYoung Men s Christian Association AbstractA review of the work of the Young Men s Christian Associations DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 65 PublisherLondon : Pu...


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83、 An appeal to Christians in behalf of China

AuthorGutzlaff, Charles DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 66 PublisherCanton : The Office of the Chinese Repository SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Publ...


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84、 The centenary volume of the Baptist Missionary Society 1792-1892

AuthorMyers, John Brown DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 65 PublisherLondon : The Baptist Missionary Society SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Published ...


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85、 A voice from Bombay in western India, in behalf of the spiritual wants of a population of 550,000 souls in heathen darkness

DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 66 PublisherLondon : Seeleys SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Published AsVolume 66, Pamphlet 11, Wason Pamphlet Collec...


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86、 The day breaking; or light in dark lands

AuthorAmerican Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 67 PublisherBoston : The American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missio...


更多: 统计年鉴分享平台 孔夫子旧书网 知网万方 万方数据 国图▪文津 抗日战争与近代中日关系文献数据平台 Worldcat 上海图书馆

87、 View of the missions, funds, expenditures and prospects, of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions

DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 67 PublisherBoston : Crocker & Brewster SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Published AsVolume 67, Pamphlet 2, Wason Pamph...


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88、 The Japanese view of Christianity; Liberal Judaism and its future

AuthorSullivan, W R Washington DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 67 PublisherLondon : The Ethical Religion Society SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Publi...


更多: 孔夫子旧书网 万方数据 全国报刊索引 Worldcat 国图▪文津 抗日战争与近代中日关系文献数据平台 知网万方 籍合网

89、 The Christian Retrospect and Register: a summary of the scientific, moral and religious progress of the first half of the xixth [nineteenth] century

AuthorBaird, Robert DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 68 PublisherNew York : M W Dodd SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Published AsVolume 68, Pamphlet 1,...


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90、 Suggestions to leaders for the class session: the uplift of China

AuthorYoung People s Missionary Movement DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 67 PublisherNew York SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Published AsVolume 67, P...


更多: 国图 京东 中国县志大全 全国报刊索引 新华文摘

91、 Official and lay witness to the value of foreign missions

AuthorLongridge, G , Rev DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 67 PublisherLondon : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previousl...


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92、 Life and labours of Robert Moffat, D. D., missionary in South Africa

AuthorWalters, William, Rev DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 67 PublisherLondon : Walter Scott SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Published AsVolume 67, P...


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93、 The incoming millions

AuthorGrose, Howard B DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 68 PublisherNew York : Fleming H Revell SubjectMissionaries and Christianity; The Chinese Diaspora Previously Pu...


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94、 The church missionary quarterly token. Volume III

DescriptionDated 1874-1878 In a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 68 PublisherLondon : Church Missionary House SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Published AsVolume 68, Pa...


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95、 Manual for missionary candidates of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions

AuthorAmerican Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 68 PublisherBoston : Crocker & Brewster SubjectMissionaries and Christianit...


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96、 Under his banner: papers on the missionary work of modern times

AuthorTucker, H W , Rev DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 68 PublisherLondon : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously...


更多: 知网万方 统计年鉴分享平台 Worldcat 万方学术-重庆图书馆 维普网 籍合网 抗日战争与近代中日关系文献数据平台 国图▪文津 国图

97、 Statements respecting the necessities and claims of the missions and missionaries

AuthorAmerican Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 68 PublisherNew York : Sleight & Robinson SubjectMissionaries and Christian...


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98、 Statement of reasons in favor of larger contributions for the support of the missions under the care of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions

AuthorAmerican Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 68 SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Published AsVolume 68, P...


更多: 京东 Worldcat 国图 全国报刊索引 上海图书馆 孔夫子旧书网 国图▪文津

99、 The oriental churches and Mohammedans

AuthorHamlin, Cyrus, Rev AbstractAmerican Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions Missionary Paper No 11 DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 68 PublisherBoston : Amer...


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100、 A comparison of the apostolic age with the present, in respect to facilities for conducting missionary operations

AuthorBeecher, Lyman, Rev AbstractAmerican Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions Missionary Paper No V DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 68 PublisherBoston : Prin...


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