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121、 The ascent of woman, or the struggle for the life of others

AuthorWhite, Laura M DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 82 PublisherShanghai : Christian Literature Society Book Depot SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Pu...


更多: 万方学术-重庆图书馆 中国县志大全 知网万方 统计年鉴分享平台 国图▪文津

122、 On soul-winners and soul-winning

AuthorWilson, J Wallace DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 82 PublisherShanghai : Christian Literature Society Book Depot SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously...


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123、 Motives in foreign missions

AuthorGriffith, John, Rev DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 82 PublisherNew York : Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions SubjectMissionaries and Christianity ...


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124、 A Mission Press sexagenary, 1844 to 1904

AbstractGiving a brief sketch of sixty years of the American Presbyterian Mission Press, Shanghai, China DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 83 PublisherShanghai : The Am...


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125、 Jubilee papers of the Central China Presbyterian Mission. 1844-1894

AuthorPresbyterian Mission Press AbstractComprising historical sketches of the mission stations at Ningpo, Shanghai, Hangchow, Soochow and Nanking, with a sketch of the Presbyterian Mission Press DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and t...


更多: 抗日战争与近代中日关系文献数据平台 知网万方 Worldcat 国图 上海图书馆 万方学术-重庆图书馆

126、 The awakening of China

AuthorBashford, James W DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 85 PublisherNew York : The Board of Foreign Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church SubjectMissionaries and...


更多: 抗日战争与近代中日关系文献数据平台 Worldcat 京东 维普网 国图 万方数据 统计年鉴分享平台 上海图书馆 万方学术-重庆图书馆

127、 A missionary hospital in China

AuthorClark, Francis E DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 83 PublisherBoston, Chicago : United Society of Christian Endeavour SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previo...


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128、 In memory of Reverend William Muirhead, D. D.

AuthorEdkins, Joseph, Dr AbstractA sermon delivered in Union Church, Shanghai DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 83 PublisherShanghai : Printed at the American Presbyter...


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129、 Do not say; or the church's excuses for neglecting the heathen

AuthorHorseburgh, J Heywood DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 86 PublisherLondon : Marshall Brothers SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Published AsVolume ...


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130、 The status of women in China

AuthorFaber, Ernst, Rev DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 86 PublisherShanghai : Printed at the Presbyterian Mission Press SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previous...


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131、 Is there anything in it?

AuthorMcIntosh, Gilbert DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 86 PublisherCornell University Library : Amercian Presbyterian Mission Press SubjectMissionaries and Christian...


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132、 A descriptive catalogue of books and tracts

AuthorNevius, John Livingston; Nevius, Helen S Coan DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 86 PublisherShanghai : Printed at the Amercian Presbyterian Mission Press SubjectM...


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133、 Chinese martyrs

AuthorKranz, P , Pastor DescriptionA paper read before the Shanghai Missionary Association on December 1st, 1903 In a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 88 PublisherShanghai, Foochow : ...


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134、 Opening service of the Kuling Church and the present aspect of the missionary work in China

AuthorJohn, Griffith, Rev DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 87 PublisherShanghai : Printed at the Shanghai Mercury Office SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previousl...


更多: 统计年鉴分享平台 新华文摘 维普网 孔夫子旧书网 抗日战争与近代中日关系文献数据平台 万方学术-重庆图书馆 籍合网 国图▪文津

135、 Report of the Presbyterian Committee on Union. Third meeting

DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 88 PublisherShanghai : Printed at the Amercian Presbyterian Mission Press SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Published As...


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136、 Shanghai Band of Hope. Report of the first year's work

DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 88 PublisherShanghai : Printed by Kelly & Walsh, Limited SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Published AsVolume 88, Pamphl...


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137、 Important doctrines of the Bible

AuthorKranz, P , Pastor AbstractA Union Catechism for all Evangelical Christians In one hundred questions and answers with numerous scripture quotations for schools, inquirer classes and private Bible study DescriptionIn a volume lettered: ...


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138、 Are missionaries in any way responsible for the present disturbances in China?

AuthorDubose, Hampden C AbstractRead before the Shanghai Missionary Association in Union Church Hall, November 6th 1900 DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 89 SubjectMiss...


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139、 The works of Rev. Ernst Faber, Dr. Theol

AuthorKranz, P , Pastor DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 89 PublisherShanghai : Printed at the Amercian Presbyterian Mission Press SubjectMissionaries and Christianity...


更多: 万方数据 国图 抗日战争与近代中日关系文献数据平台 Worldcat 籍合网

140、 English and Evangelism

AuthorDubose, Hampden C AbstractRead before the Soochow Missionary Association DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 89 SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Publ...


更多: 抗日战争与近代中日关系文献数据平台 万方学术-重庆图书馆 孔夫子旧书网 万方数据 国图 国图▪文津 统计年鉴分享平台 新华文摘 Worldcat 上海图书馆 知网万方 中国县志大全 维普网 京东 籍合网