1、 大岳太和山志 : 八卷

Tai yue Taihe shan zhi | Taihe shan zhiIn case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 05/14/03 T;11/27/01 T 中国古籍善本书目 史部, p 1016 框20 4 x 15 2公分, 9行18字, 白口, 四周双边, 单白鱼尾, 版心上镌书名, 中镌卷次 书中记事至万历四十三年(1615) 编订者据隆庆六年(1572)...


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2、 皇舆志略 : 十六卷 明正德嘉靖间刻本

Yu di tu kaoThe writing style is succinct; personal likenesses stopped at the Song and Yuan Dynasties; however, the chapter on the Yi people is more detailed, gives the history of their official exchange with China, and gives the exact time...


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3、 韩城县志 : 八卷

Wanli Shanxi Hancheng Xian zhi | Hancheng Xian qian zhiTitle from caption In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 万历丁未苏进"序", 万历丁未薛芳, 梁元各跋 框20 9 x 14 2公分, 9行19字, 白口, 四周单边, 单黑鱼尾 版心上镌书名, 中镌卷次 原题:“南京户部尚书邑人张士佩纂...


更多: 中国县志大全 国图▪文津 国图 新华文摘 知网万方 上海图书馆

4、 台湾番社风俗 彩色绘图本

Cover title In case Preface by Arthur W Hummel reads: An album on the aborigines in Taiwan (Formosa) With interest in the island of Formosa growing, the arrival of a water-color album on the aboriginal people seems timely Although of littl...


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5、 今古舆地图 : 不分卷 清乾隆五年朱墨稿本

Li dai yan ge tuLikely written in 1739 or 1740; includes 58 maps with red marks; the majority of the maps and introductions were based on those by Wu Guofu; only the map called "Da Qing yi tong tu" was newly added; some of the Ming Dynasty ...


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6、 广舆图 : 不分卷 钞本

Manuscript Title from spine of case In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Gift Arthur W Hummel 1937 (明) 佚名撰 Ming Dynasty; author unknown 红格旧钞本 四周单栏 白口 无鱼尾 版匡高23 2宽15 3公分 行字均不等 Number of lines and charact...


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7、 越中杂识 : 二卷 清乾隆间钞本

Ms In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 1934 清乾隆间钞本 无栏格版匡 白口 全书高25 6宽16 4公分 十行二十四字 Ten lines, with twenty-four characters per line 函脊题"越中杂识" 无书名叶 版心上题"越中杂识" 中题门类 下题叶码 卷上叶一额题"越中杂识" 下署"西吴悔堂老人录" 卷前有自序 末署"乾...


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8、 回疆纪略 : 不分卷 钞本

Collection of memorials to the throne dated from September 4, 1831 to July 20, 1836, written by various officials, and concerning military affairs and cultivation programs in the northwest border regions located in what today is Xinjiang Sh...


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9、 西域记事 : 不分卷 钞本

Xiyu jiConcerns customs of residents and military deployment in what is now the Xinjiang Region; preface dated December 1777; preserved by the Military Government of Kuche (Kuqa) ...


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10、 阳谷县志 : 八卷, 卷首

Additional postscript by Gao Hongcai dated Guangxu 29 [1903] recorded the reasons that he collected four Shandong gazetteers, including this one ...


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12、 德州志 : 十卷

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site July 14, 1933 440206 版本参据 中国地方志联合目录 , p 259 框20 9 x 15 4公分, 9行20字, 白口, 四周双边, 单黑鱼尾 版心上镌书名, 中镌卷次及细目 康熙十二年金祖彭"重修德州志序" 责任者参据"目录" 钤印三:"潍高翰生收辑山东全省府州县志印记"白文方印 "南涧居士"朱文方印 "李...


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13、 长安志图 : 三卷 明嘉靖十年李氏刻本

Printed by a certain Li, who served as governor of Xi an during the Jiajing Period (1522-1566) ...


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14、 虎丘山图志 : 一卷, 诗文三卷 明万历间刻本

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site July 7, 1950 1600J 明万历间刻本 左右双栏 图志下黑口(间有白口)诗文白口 黑单鱼尾 版匡高19 8宽13 1公分 黄纸; 钤印有"雨山艸堂"朱文长方印, "申灏之印"朱文方印, "伯容氏"白文方印 八行十九字 Eight lines, with nineteen characters per line 函脊号...


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15、 古今游名山记 : 十七卷, 总录 [三卷]

You ming shan jiIn 2 cases Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 原题:“括苍何镗振卿甫编辑, 庐陵吴炳用晦甫校正” 按是书卷四卷十又各分上下卷, 总录分胜纪名言类考三目 黄佐(序)嘉靖四十二年 (1563), 吴炳(序), 王世贞(序), 王穉登(序), 自序: 嘉靖四十四年 (1565) 框20 x 14公分, 14行27字, 白口, 单白鱼尾, 左右...


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16、 宁夏出差日记 : 一卷 清道光间蓝格稿本

Cover title Handwritten manuscript In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site March 13, 1950 0653J 佚名撰 清道光间蓝格稿本 四周双边 白口 蓝双鱼尾 匡高17 3宽16 8公分 黄纸 钤印"6 Copy___" 十二行十九至二十二字 Twelve lines, with between nineteen and t...


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17、 罗平州志 : 四卷 钞本

Originally a woodblock print from 1718 None of the compilers of this edition lived during the period of the Qianlong Emperor; however, the date recorded in this edition may be as late as Qianlong 20, or 1755 The handwriting of the transcrip...


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19、 囘疆通志 钞本

Manuscript Title from cover In case 无版匡栏格 白口 无鱼尾 9 行 18-19 字 小字双行 24 9 x 20 1 cm 公分 淡黄纸 Nine lines, with eighteen or nineteen characters per line, and small characters in paired lines "南满洲铁道株式会社东亚经济调查局藏书之印"--Seal on cover of each volume Ori...


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20、 孔宅志 : 八卷, 卷首一卷, 卷末一卷 清雍正间刻本

Includes a description of the school of Confucianism located north of Qingpu Xian, Songjiang Fu, Jiangnan; although the standard bibliographic description for this edition cites the printing date as 1722, the most recent year mentioned in a...


更多: Worldcat 籍合网 新华文摘 中国县志大全 知网万方 全国报刊索引 万方数据 国图 京东 上海图书馆 抗日战争与近代中日关系文献数据平台 孔夫子旧书网 维普网 国图▪文津