1、 治室女妇人产宝百问 : 二卷. 产宝杂论 : 一卷 钞本

Chan yu bao qing jiPreface written by Wang Jin in 1127; the title "Chan yu bao qing ji" is given in the contents, however the main contents differ from "Chan yu bao qing fang" as found in the "Yongle da dian"; it is likely that this version...


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2、 祝由科诸符秘 朱墨钞本

Zhu you ke Ms Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Arthur W Hummel August 21, 1962 朱墨钞本 无版匡栏格 全书高20 8宽12 3公分 黄纸 Handwritten manuscript 六行十七字 Six lines, with seventeen characters per line 无书名叶 正文卷端题"祝由科诸符秘卷一" 下无...


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3、 天花谱史 : 三卷

Ms In case Also available in digital form 八行十六字 Eight lines, with sixteen characters per line 原题:“云阳邑人冷开泰玄赞甫集 ”按是书不见著录 检四川云阳县志亦无开泰名 其事迹无孜 兹记其目 以俟夫知者:卷一 原始篇 审症篇 明治篇 中气篇 神气篇 形色篇 标本篇 情理篇 死病篇 交会篇 岁气篇 部位篇 生死篇 胎毒篇 阴阳篇 血气篇 毒辨篇 气血篇 因期施治论 辨痘贵嫌论 原痘赋 ...


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4、 祝由科 朱墨钞本

Ms Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Arthur W Hummel August 3, 1961 佚名撰 朱墨钞本 无版匡栏格 全书高20 8宽12 3公分 黄纸 行字不等 Number of lines and characters varies 无书名叶 正文卷端题"祝由科卷五 伤者科" 下无署名 无序跋 作者不详 是书中间用硃笔书各种文字图符 两旁以墨书小字咒语 右...


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5、 资福等齐天医十三科治病一宗 朱墨钞本

Title on label on cover of binder: Zhu you ke, Zi fu deng qi tian yi san ke zhi bing yi zhong | Zhu you ke Ms Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Arthur W Hummel August 21, 1962 朱墨钞本 无版匡栏格 全书高20 8宽12 3公分 黄纸 六行...


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6、 食物本草会纂 : 十二卷, 图一卷 清康熙间载咏楼刻本

Zeng bu tu xiang shi wu ben cao hui zuanTitle from caption In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 清康熙间载咏楼刻本 四周单栏 白口 单鱼尾(间有白鱼尾)版匡高18 4宽11 2公分 九行二十二字 小字双行同字 Nine lines, with twenty-two characters per line; ...


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7、 产孕集 : 二卷, 补遗一卷 清同治七年刻本

Chong ding San yun jiAlso available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Gift of the Chinese government 十一行二十三字 Eleven lines, with twenty-three characters per line "同治七年春刊 蕰璞斋藏板"--Title page ...


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8、 妙一斋医学正印种子编 : 四卷 明崇祯丙子岳虞峦杭州刻本重刻

Zhong zi quan bian | Yi xue zheng yinAdvice on medicine and treatment for the birth of baby boys In his postscript, Yue Yuluan, said the book "Yi xue zheng yin", written by his father, consisted of more than one hundred chapters ...


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9、 产宝百问 : 五卷

Five chapters, with preface by Wang Kentang; in the table of contents, there is an inscription saying that the book was compiled by Zhu Zhenheng Yanxiu of the Yuan Dynasty, in Danxi in Jinhua Prefecture, and verified by Wang Kentang Shun an...


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10、 增订本草备要 : 四卷, 附经络歌诀一卷, 医方汤头歌括一卷 清康熙间积庆堂刻本

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site July 7, 1950 1600J 清康熙间积庆堂刻本 四周单边 白口 黑单鱼尾 无竖栏 版匡高17 0+2 1宽14 0公分 黄纸 下栏十行二十七字 上栏双行三字 Lower column: ten lines, with twenty-seven characters per line; upper column: pai...


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11、 类证普济本事方 : 十卷 清嘉庆十九年黄丕烈士礼居刻本

Ben shi fang shi yiIn his preface, Huang Pilie writes that Ye Gui of the Qing Dynasty had annotated the book Pu ji ben shi fang which was by Xu Shuwei of the Song Dynasty; however, when descendants of Ye edited and reprinted the book, they ...


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12、 医垒元戎 : 十二卷

In case 21 5 x 13 8 cm Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Fourth character of title: 上戈下甲 此书字大疏朗 修补完好 仅最后数叶有缺字 九行二十字 Nine lines, with twenty characters per line 原题:“赵州教授进之王好古筌次 明监察御史东莱桂亭綦才命梓 两淮运同四明 屠本畯重刊 两淮运副...


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13、 儒门事亲 : 十五卷

Ru men shi qin lun fangAlso available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 序文有缺页 中缝仄狭 十行二十字 Ten lines, with twenty characters per line 金张从正撰 从正字子和 号戴人 睢州考城人 兴定中召补太医 事迹具金史方技传 其曰“儒门事亲者”者 以为惟儒者能明其理 而事亲者当知医也 从正宗刘完素 用药多寒凉 与麻知几常仲明辈...


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14、 原机启微集 : 二卷, 附录一卷

The inscription in "Qi wei ji" has been changed with red ink to read: "written by Ni Weide of Wujun in the Yuan Dynasty, and revised by Xue Ji from Weixue"; this amendment is correct; supplement by Xue Ji; revised and printed by Guo Xian en...


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15、 巢氏病源 : 五十卷 清光緖十二年湖北官书处刻本

Chong kan Chao shi zhu bing yuan hou zong lunOn double leaves, in case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Gift of the Chinese Government "随大业六年太医博士臣巢元方等奉敕撰"--P 1 of text "光緖十二年冬月湖北官书处重刊"--Colophon on t p vers...


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16、 医方考 : 六卷

Ming yi fang kaoTitle from caption Also available in digital form 六册一夹版 Six volumes in one case 十行二十字 Ten lines, with twenty characters per line 原题:“歙邑吴崑著 友人黄基阅”卷一 崑字山甫号鹤皋 歙邑人 医籍考卷四引亡名氏鹤皋山人传云:“山人幼英异 稍长业进士 数奇弗偶 家多方书 遂迸铅椠 事岐黄术 日夕取诸家言编读之 不数稔 术...


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17、 名医类案 : 十二卷 明万历19年傅少山刻本

Original inscription: compiled by Jiang Guan; revised by first son Yingyuan; supplemented by second son Yingsu; first cover states "printed by Tai yi yuan"; prefaces by Jiang Guan dated 1549, by You Zhende dated 1552, and by Jiang Yingsu da...


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18、 傅青主女科 : 二卷, 产后编二卷 清同治ba年[1869]崇文书局刻本

Nü keAlso available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Gift of the Chinese Government 十二行二十一字 Twelve lines, with twenty-one characters per line; one section of small characters above ...


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19、 刻医无闾子医贯 : 三卷 明初薛三才刊本

Yi guanPreface by Xue Sanxing in the front of this book; then, the first half of the book is incomplete; it appears that chapter 3 was not completed; several reference sources cite the title being complete in six chapters; Wang Zhongmin s c...


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20、 新刊铜人鍼灸经 : 七卷. 养生导引法 : 一卷. 修真秘要 : 一卷

Tong ren zhen jiu fa, Yang sheng dao yin faPrinted by Pingyan Fu, Shanxi Sheng, during the Zhengde Period of the Ming Dynasty (1506-1521), and later reprinted by Wang Qixiao in Changzhou; a similar collection "Baosheng Xinjian" preserved in...


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