104、 中国全图Panoramic map of China London : Electrotyped and printed for John Cassell by Petter and Galpin, and published by them at La Belle Sauvage Yard, Ludgate Hill, [1858]


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106、 珠江及三水以下支流图Canton River (Chu Kiang) with its western branches to Samshui and adjacent country London : Published at the Admiralty, Dec. 24th 1863 : Sold by J.D. Potter, agent for the Admiralty Charts, 145 Minories , 1928


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107、 中国地图A map of China prepared for the China Inland Mission 1923 London : The China Inland Mission, Edward Stanford Ltd., 12, 13, & 14, Long Acre, W.C. 1923


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112、 1817年北京地图Plan of Peking in 1817 [Southampton] : Printed at the Lithographic Establishment Quarter Master General's Office Horse Guards, July 1842 ; Copied by the anastatic process in 1860 at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton,


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