2、 楚辞 : 二十卷, 卷首一卷 明天启六年忠雅堂刻本

Qi shi er jia pi ping Chu ci ji zhuAlso available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site September 17, 1940 580875 是书就朱熹 集注 而广之 凡分四集 This book supplements Chu ci ji zhu by Zhu Xi, and was divided into four parts 八册二函 Eight volu...


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3、 楚辞集解 : 十五卷 明万历四十六年汪仲弘刻本

According to the Si ku ti yao , Wang Zhonghong wrote Tian wen zhu bu as an appendix because the work Tian wen zhu gao had been lost ...


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