1、 南华经榷 : 八卷 明崇祯八年刻本

Zhuangzi jueIn case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site July 7, 1950 1600J 明崇祯八年刻本 左右双边 白口 无鱼尾 匡上镌评双行四字 版匡高21 4宽14 2公分 黄纸 九行二十字 Nine lines, with twenty characters per line 钤印有"颂江"朱文方印, "研亭"朱文方印, "有竹人家"朱文长方印, "...


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2、 南华真经合注吹影 : 三十三卷

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 十六册二函 Sixteen volumes in two cases 八行二十一字 小字双行二十一字 上注文小字双行三字 Eight lines, with twenty-one characters per line; small characters in paired lines of twenty-one characters per ...


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3、 南华经 : 十六卷

Ping dian Guo zhu Zhuangzi | Liu Wang liang xian sheng ping dian Guo zhu ZhuangziWang Shunan Gift April 3, 1929 379064 Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 原题:“晋子玄郭象注 辑诸名家评释 宋林〓斋口义 刘须溪点校 明王凤洲评点 附陈明卿批注 ”题名用五色 卷内...


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4、 抱朴子 : 内篇四卷外篇四卷 清柏筠堂刻本

In wooden case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site Collection of Wang Shunan April 3, 1929 379064 张可大评校 -- 2-8, 卢舜治评校 书名叶中间题抱朴子灯 右上题晋葛仙翁注灯 左下题柏筠堂藏版灯 正文卷端题新锓葛稚川内篇卷之一灯 下署金陵张可大评校 慎懋官阅灯 正文前有葛洪抱朴子序灯 每册封底衬以万年红纸 书品佳 ...


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5、 亢仓子 : 一卷 清咸丰六年陈奂朱批钞本

Manuscript In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 清咸丰六年陈奂朱批钞本 无版匡栏格 白口 无鱼尾 全书高28 2宽16 9公分 黄纸 十行二十字 Ten lines, with twenty characters per line 函脊号 1393 签条号 660 金镶玉装 无书名叶 正文卷端题"亢仓子 全道篇第一" 下无署名 正文前有佚名撰序两篇 全书...


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6、 庄子鬳斋口义 : 十卷, 音释一卷 明嘉靖四年张士镐刻重刊三子口义零本

Caption title In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site November 21, 1950 2051J 明嘉靖四年张士镐刻重刊三子口义零本 左右双边 白口 黑单鱼尾 匡高17 8宽13 3公分 黄纸 钤印"6 Copy___" 十行十八字 Ten lines, with eighteen characters per line 无书名叶 正文卷端题"庄子〓...


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7、 秋声阁道宗四经 : 九卷

Lao Guan Zhuang Lie si zi he kanIn case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 九行十九字 Nine lines, with nineteen characters per line 按是书不见他家着录 此本又无总名 不知原有若干种 抑仅此四种 兹暂拟书名 如此 每书序后 刻:“万历乙未仲春毘陵董氏镌于秋声 阁”两行 下钤“端甫” “董逢元” ...


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8、 南华真经副墨 : 八卷 明万历间重刻本

In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 明万历间重刻本 四周单栏 白口 无鱼尾 版匡高20 7宽13 5公分 八行十七字 夹注双行字同 Eight lines, with seventeen characters per line; interspersed with notes in paired lines of seventeen characters per ...


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9、 三子通义 : 存老子通义, 庄子通义 : 残存十二卷

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 十二册二函 Twelve volumes in two cases 九行十七字 双行小字 Nine lines, with seventeen characters per line; paired lines of small characters 原题:“参元朱得之傍注并通义 弟庶之参校 ”按此本无列子仅存老子二卷 庄子十卷 卷内有:“季沧...


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11、 南华真经评注 : 十卷 明刻本

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site September 18, 1940 580875 八册二函 Eight volumes in two cases 明刻本 四周单栏 白口 白鱼尾 版匡高18 6+3 2+1 5 宽13 6公分 中栏九行十八字 夹注双行字同 上栏双行六字 下栏双行三字 Middle section: nine lines, with eighteen char...


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12、 新锓抱朴子内外篇 : 内篇四卷, 外篇四卷 明万历间刻本

Baopuzi quan sheng nei wai jing | BaopuziInscription reads, proofread by Shen Maoguan; preface by Wang Wenlu dated 1584 ...


更多: 统计年鉴分享平台 知网万方 抗日战争与近代中日关系文献数据平台 京东 国图▪文津 国图

13、 新刻葵阳黄先生南华文髓 : 七卷

Zhuangzi Nanhua jingTitle from caption In case Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site 提要200字 指出此书伪托 且缺末卷 下分栏十行二十字双排小字 上分栏十行六双排小字 Lower column: ten lines, with twenty characters per line, and also double rows of s...


更多: 京东 Worldcat 全国报刊索引 籍合网 知网万方 上海图书馆 新华文摘 国图

14、 新锓葛稚川 : 内篇四卷外篇四卷 明万历间刻本

Ge Zhichuan nei wai pian | Xin qian Ge Zhichuan nei wai pianLu Shunzhi wrote the preface The title was changed from Bao pu zi to Ge Zhichuan This edition is clearer than Shen Shi s version of the original book made by Shen Maoguan ...


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15、 南华春点 : 八卷 明崇祯间刻本

Comments on various texts by Liu Shilian, written while an assistant official in the Ministry of Rites, with the intention of mastering the current styles of writing ...


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16、 寂光境 : 三卷

In case Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) woodblock print Also available in digital form 十六行十八字 Sixteen lines with eighteen characters per line 原题:“还初道人自诚甫次” 冯梦祯序称为:“洪生自诚氏” 因知为洪应明撰也 卷一为西竺佛祖十九人 卷二卷三为中华佛祖四十二人 人为一图像 各系小传 简而无文 如以达摩为中华祖师;达摩乃禅宗之祖 非中华人也 于以...


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17、 列子鬳斋口义 : 二卷 明刻本

According to Shao Yichen s "Si ku biao zhu", Zhou Xingyi stated that the edition printed in the Yuan Dynasty had a preface by Liu Xiang at the beginning of the first chapter, of "Tian rui pian", distinguishing it from the later Ming Dynasty...


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