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21、 A vindication of comments on the translation of Ephesians I in the delegates' version of the New Testament

AuthorBoone, William Jones, 1811-1864 DescriptionIn volume lettered: Pamphlets relating to China volume 1 PublisherCanton SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Published AsVolume 1, Pamphlet 4, Wason Pamphlet Collection, Cornell U...


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22、 A pioneer missionary in China, by Rev. Josiah Cox

AuthorCox, Josiah, Rev DescriptionFrom the Bulletin of the W M M S In a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 101 PublisherLondon : Printed by W P Griffith & Sons, Limited SubjectMissionar...


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23、 Can a Chinaman become a Christian?

AuthorMasters, Frederic J , Rev DescriptionFrom The Californian In a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 101 SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Published AsVolume 101, Pamph...


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24、 Korea, country and people

DescriptionReprinted from the North China Daily News In a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 100 SubjectMissionaries and Christianity; General Histories and Surveys Previously Published...


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25、 Changes in China

DescriptionFrom St Mark s Parish Magazine In a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 99 PublisherPreston : Printed by Crozier & Co , printers SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previousl...


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26、 China's chapter in Christian evidence

AuthorBashford, J W , Bishop DescriptionFrom The Methodist Review In a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 99 SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Published AsVolume 99, Pamph...


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27、 The Chinese year

DescriptionFrom the Christian Herald Almanac , 1913 In a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 99 SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Published AsVolume 99, Pamphlet 4, Wason P...


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28、 Which house? A missionary study

AuthorGuinness, Lucy E DescriptionFrom the East London Institute for Home and Foreign Missions In a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 99 PublisherLondon, Glasgow : S W Partridge & Co ;...


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29、 Times of blessing in Manchuria

AuthorWebster, J , Rev AbstractLetters from Moukden to the Church at Home, February 17 - April 30, 1908 DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 98 PublisherShanghai : Methodi...


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30、 The catechumen, a translation from Voltaire, supposed to have been written by a native of China

DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 93 PublisherBoston : American Liberal Tract Society SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Published AsVolume 93, Pamphlet 13...


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31、 The force of missions in a new China

AuthorCondit, Ira M , Rev DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 93 PublisherOakland SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Published AsVolume 93, Pamphlet 6, Wason...


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32、 Dwelling deep

AuthorFrost, Henry W DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 91 PublisherPhiladelphia, Toronto : The China Inland Mission SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Publ...


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33、 Uncommon Christians

AuthorFrost, Henry W DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 91 PublisherPhiladelphia, Toronto : The China Inland Mission SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Publ...


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34、 Intercessory foreign missionaries

AuthorStreet, A E , Rev DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 91 PublisherPhiladelphia, Toronto : The China Inland Mission SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously P...


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35、 Intercession

AuthorFrost, Henry W DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 91 PublisherPhiladelphia, Toronto : The China Inland Mission SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Publ...


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36、 The one-wine theory and Bible interpretation

AuthorHartwell, C, Rev DescriptionReprinted from the Shanghai Temperance Union, March, 1890 In a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 91 SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Pu...


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37、 Encouragement to prayer. Passages from the New Testament collected by P. Kranz of the Shanghai Missionary Association

AuthorKranz, P , Pastor DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 91 SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Published AsVolume 91, Pamphlet 8, Wason Pamphlet Collectio...


更多: 上海图书馆 维普网 孔夫子旧书网 籍合网 万方数据

38、 China: questions and answers for Sunday schools, mission circles and bands

AuthorWoman s Board of Foreign Missions, Reformed Church in America DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 91 PublisherNew York SubjectMissionaries and Christianity; Educati...


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39、 The universality of Christianity

AuthorBevan, Llewelyn D DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 89 PublisherShanghai : Printed at the Shanghai Mercury, Limited SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previousl...


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40、 English and Evangelism

AuthorDubose, Hampden C AbstractRead before the Soochow Missionary Association DescriptionIn a volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 89 SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Publ...


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