108、 同度記 清[1644-1911] 稿本

版本书目史注:10行 行20余字不等 黑口 四周双边 ...


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113、 几何原本 : 六卷 明万历三十九年增订本

The mathematical and geometric treatise "Elements", originally written by Euclid in ca 300 B C , was orally translated by Matteo Ricci and then supplemented and written in Chinese by Xu Guangqi ...


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115、 格致草 : 六卷 清顺治间刻函宇通本

The section concerning astronomy in the text was printed shortly after the introduction of Western astronomy to China; volume 1 concerned the principles of movement of stars; volume 2 introduced the orbits of the sun, moon, planets and star...


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